Meeting him: Michelangelo

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You were riding your skateboard to Antonio's to get your favorite pizza, anchovie jellybean jalapeño. On the way, you've noticed that people are acting weird.

You walk into the shop and notice that there are hordes of people waiting for pizza.

"Pizzzza......" They him as they surround you.

"Um, what is going on?" You ask. Then a giant pizza man comes out of the shadows.

"You will become a perfect calzone!" He shouts as people pour sauce all over you.

"Get off me! I have a skateboard and I'm not afraid to use it!!!" You yell at them as you hit them with it. Then they wrap you in dough and snap your skateboard.

"My baby!!" You cry.

"Now I will devour you all!" Pizza man bellows.

"NOT SO FAST PIZZA FACE!!!" You hear someone yell. You can't see because of the dough around you. After some pounding and thumping someone unwraps you from the calzone.

It was a giant turtle. How awesome!!!

"Hey, I'm Michelangelo. don't freak okay?" He said.

"No problem, you look awesome dude!!! How did this happen?" You ask.

"Some weird ooze was splashed on me. long story. I have to go check on my brothers, you seem really cool."

"Yeah you too. Wait, brothers? Are they turtles too?!"

"Yup. awesome right!? Catch you, what's your name?"

"Oh, it's (y/n)."

"Cool. later (y/n)"

Then he grabbed his board and skated away.

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