He gets you back: Leonardo

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I spent all day in the lair planning my perfect date with (y/n). It has to be perfect, and I know it will be.

I was about to leave for my date when Donnie ran into the lair.

"Leo! Karai took Mikey and we need to get him back!" He said worriedly and I knew that this was too important.

-Can't hang out tonight, we have a very important mission. I'll see you tomorrow <3- I messaged her.

-okay, good luck <3- She responded sweetly, and I stared at the message before running off to get my brother back.

"So you still think there's good in her!?!" Raph asked me sarcastically.

"Shut it Raph, let's just get Mikey." I demanded as we saw Mikey tied up on the next rooftop.

"Hello again Leonardo." Karai said flirtatiously.

"Your games have gone too far this time Karai, I want my brother back." I demanded

"Then come and get him." She insisted and I attacked her.

We were fighting as the guys released Mikey. I dropped my
T-Phone and was about to win when she KISSED me. I was to shocked to move, so I just stood there like an idiot.

"Bye bye Leo." She said before jumping off the roof. The guys looked at me like I was insane.

"Leo, why were you and Karai kissing? I thought you loved
(y/n)." Donnie asked.

"She kissed me, and I do love
(y/n). It wasn't my fault!" I yelled at him.

Mikey looked at my phone on the ground and stared at me.

"Whoa dude, I don't think you have (y/n) anymore..." He said and picked up my phone.

-I see that your mission must have been super important Leonardo. I hope that you and Karai enjoy each other because I never want to see you again.-

My heart broke when I read the message. How did she know what happened? I guess that doesn't matter, I need her back.

"And the award for stupidest boyfriend goes to-" Raph started but I ran towards (y/n)'s house before he could finish his sentence.

She wasn't there, so I went to Murakami's. When I walked in
Mr. Murakami gave me a disapproving look.

"Leonardo San, now is not the best time for you to be here." He said and (y/n) walked out. She saw me and tried to rush back but I grabbed her waist.

"Go away Leo, was my text not clear?" She said angrily.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry. I didn't kiss her back but I didn't move and I know that's my fault but I was just completely shocked by what she did. I love you and I need you in my life (y/n).... Please forgive me?"

She thought about it for a moment and nodded.

"If it ever happens again I will snap her neck." She said happily and I kissed her with passion.

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