Forgive: Leonardo

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I was out with Raph in the woods trying to gain some of my strength back.

"Come on Leo, try to keep up." He encouraged but I wasn't feeling too well.

My vision stated to get really blurry. "Oh man... I think I'm gonna-" I said before puking my guts out.

"Let's get you back to the farmhouse." He said as he helped me up. Whatever was in that medicine felt like it was meant to come out of me, not go in.

I'm only getting weaker and I can't take it!

I was making my way back to the farmhouse and I was very frustrated.

Hey Leo, how'd it go?" (Y/n) asked and I wasn't in the mood to talk about it so I just walked past her and into the house.

She followed me into the living room and I just kept going.

"Leo what's wrong?" She asked and I just snapped.

"You want to know what's wrong? New York was invaded, Splinter is gone, and I'm broken. I'm never going to be the same and this is all your fault!!! If you just left with the others I would be able to walk with both legs! I wish you were still in New York!!!!" I shouted at her and instantly regretted it.

"You think I'm happy about this? I have no idea where Murakami is and I don't exactly walk normal either! Who knows what would have happened if I went the other way but does it matter right now? Suck it up because like it or not, this is our life now! I'm going out. Don't wait up because I don't know when I'll be back!!!" She yelled back as she grabbed a backpack and limped out the door.

I guess I forgot how all this was affecting her...

I went outside just in time to see her fade into the forest. Mikey gave me a disappointed look before sadly going inside.

I stared off in the direction she ran in. I'll give her an afternoon to cool off and get her back tonight.

"Hey Leo, up for another walk?" Raph asked. I told him I was going to rest but I forgot about that because I was arguing with (y/n).

"Um, in a little bit. I'm just gonna.... rest." I said as I went back in the house.

I was in the living room with Mikey when his T-phone rang.

"Hey girl, how it going?" He asked. I was hoping that it was just April who called him and that (y/n) would call me first.

"Could be better Mikey..." (Y/n) said sadly.

"You want me to come find you? There's no pizza in the woods!"

"That would be great, but Leo might need you. I've gotta go set up camp but I'll call you later." She said before hanging up.

She is not spending a night outside, she could get hurt. I got up and went out to look for her.

When I finally found her, she was in her blue tent and she was asleep.

I opened the tent and was about to pick her up when she spoke.

"Get out Leo."

"(Y/n), don't do this. You could get hurt." I warned her.

"Can't be any worse. Get out." She demanded.

"I'm sorry (y/n). I know I said some mean and hurtful things but I didn't mean them. I was so stressed out that I couldn't control my temper. You saved the others back in New York and I wouldn't be able to go on if you were stuck there. Please come home... I can't let you stay out here in the cold." I said and she didn't say anything.

She got out of the tent after me and packed it away before we started walking back to the farmhouse.

"Am I forgiven?" I asked hopefully.

She just gave me a wink and kept walking.

Relationships are complicated...

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