Fight: Leonardo

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It's been a little over a week since Leo and I woke up and we were recovering. I still had to limp on my right leg but Leo has to use a crutch and he can't move very fast.

He and Raph went into the woods for a walk while I trained with Mikey.

"Careful dude, you leg is still messed up." Mikey warned. I just nodded and we started sparing. Mikey lost tremendously but I could tell that he was holding back.

I was about to tell him not too when Leo and Raph got back.

"We'll train later Mikey, no holding back." I told him before limping over to Leo.

"Hey Leo, how'd it go?" I asked and he just walked past me and into the house.

I followed him into the living room and he said nothing.

"Leo what's wrong?" I asked and he suddenly got angry.

"You want to know what's wrong? New York was invaded, Splinter is gone, and I'm broken. I'm never going to be the same and this is all your fault!!! If you just left with the others I would be able to walk with both legs! I wish you were still in New York!!!!" He shouted angrily.

I tear escaped my eye but I wiped it away.

"You think I'm happy about this? I have no idea where Murakami is and I don't exactly walk normal either! Who knows what would have happened if I went the other way but does it matter right now? Suck it up because like it or not, this is our life now! I'm going out. Don't wait up because I don't know when I'll be back!!!" I yelled back before grabbing a backpack with camping supplies and limping out the door.

I felt Mikey's worried glance but I just kept going until I couldn't see the farmhouse anymore.

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