The Invasion: Raphael

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You were out in the city, helping Raph and Casey look for Karai. She was nowhere in sight, and you didn't want to go back empty handed.

After a few hours of searching, Raph finally spotted her.

"Guys! I see her! Karai! She's slithering down the street-" he said before he was interrupted by police sirens.

"Great.." Casey murmured as the police approached you, Raph on a nearby rooftop.

"Uh, can I help you officers?" Casey asked.

"Your loitering kids. Know what that means?" One of them said,

"Loitering? Seriously? Don't you got real criminals to bust? Or a donut shop to go to?" He asked and you elbowed him in the stomach.

"We'll figure out a charge later, Casey Jones." One of them said and you stood in front of him.

"How do you know my name?" He asked as the cops got closer.

"Back off! He did nothing wrong!" You told them.

"Protecting a criminal. Looks like your coming with us as well (y/n) (l/n)."

The police started to take you both away and there was nothing Raph could do about it.

"Back off us man!" Casey yelled.

"Get in the car now punk!" An officer said as he dragged you both over to the car.

Kraang portals opened up in the distance. You tried to get away from the cop but his grip was only tightening.

Casey managed to break free and started to fight them.

One of them started glitching and they revealed themselves, as Kraang!!!

Casey hit one with his stick but you were still in custody. The Kraang was about to put you in the car before Raph came up from behind and stabbed it, releasing you.

A giant portal opened up and the three of you ran back towards the lair.

The Kraang were everywhere, shooting from all directions. You were doing pretty well.

Until a giant laser robot started attacking.

You ran in the other direction as you avoided laser strikes. It lost your tail and you climbed a roof.

The technodrome that Kraang were using to scour the city and you hid behind a wall. Raph got a call from Mikey and answered it.

"Mikey! Where are you?" He asked.

"On the way to Aprils apartment, meet us there dude!"

"Roger that!" He responded before the technodrome came back and started firing at you again.

As you ran off the roof, excess rubble was blown away.

On the way to Aprils, a humongous portal opened and out of it came Kraang Prime, and a huge tankard of mutagen.

"YES!!! KRAANG PRIME RETURNS TO EARTH!!!" He said as people ran for their lives.

"You got some kind of plan to fight that?" Casey asked.

"Uh...not really no..." Raph responded as you all started backing away.


"I have a plan.... RUN!!!" You shouted and you all ran back. Kraang a Prime fired up his weapon and sprayed mutagen on many innocent citizens.

"NO!" Raph shouted. The mutagen turned them into Kraang-like monsters.

"That is really messed up." Casey said and you nodded in agreement. Kraang Prime started chasing you and Raph sent Mikey a text, warning him of the delay.

"YOU CANNOT RUN EARTHLINGS!!!" Kraang Prime shouted as we ran.

"WATCH US!!!" You shouted back and Raph smirked for a moment before being terrified again,

Everything around us was being transformed and we kept going.

"What is going on!?!" Casey asked.

"The Kraang perfected the mutagen. They want to turn earth into another demension x." Raph explained.

"Wicked!" Casey said and you smacked him into the back of the head.

"Wicked!?! Are you crazy!?!" You shouted. There were cars scattered everywhere as people ran for their lives.

Kraang Prime threw a few cars and Raph pushed you out of harms way. One of the cars landed perfectly between two others, saving both of the boys.

Kraang Prime was about to shoot mutagen at you but then military enforcements shot him with a missile.

The military surrounded him and prepared to attack him. As they attacked, you ran to Aprils.

When you finally made it to Aprils, Raph warned them about Kraang Prime and Donnie hugged you tightly, as did Mikey with Raph and April with Casey.

"I hate to break this up, but Leo is still out there." Donnie informed us.

"What!" Raph shouted.

"Long story bro, basically-" Mikey said before he was interrupted.

Interrupted by Leo's broken body smashing through the window. You were all horrified and scared to death for him.

"He's still breathing." Raph said after checking his pulse.

"Dude, his shell is cracked!" Mikey said as the brothers helped their fallen brother.

Tiger Claw was yelling from outside and you all furious. Footbots entered the house and Raph picked up Leo to escape. They covered all the exits as you fought to get out.

When you ran outside, Rahzar was waiting by the door and Mikey hit him with a couch.

Tiger Claw started shooting his laser gun at you and you ran in the other direction. Mr. O'Neil led the way to a funky looking car.

"It's my old party wagon. From back in my hipster days. Grooooovy!" He said before he was splashed with mutagen, turning him into a monster.

"Not again!!!" April cried out at as Casey pulled her away. You all got in and Casey stepped on the gas.

Kraang Prime followed you but couldn't reach you when Casey drove into an alley.

He parked and April and the other turtles jumped out. You were going with Casey and taking Leo with you to find your father.

After leaving the others to find Splinter, the first place you and Casey went was home.

When you walked into the house, you spotted your father.

"(Y/n)!?!" He called out.

"Um.. Yeah." You said quietly. Casey was standing awkwardly in the corner until your father pulled out a dart gun.

"Finally. A test subject for this new mutagen-based experiment." He said evilly as he pointed the gun at you. Casey went to block you but then Kraang busted into the house, attacking him.

You noticed the Kraang mind control device in his neck and you dodged his shots, also helping Casey with the bots.

You took out all the bots and almost freed your father of Kraang control when he shot you in the back.

"(Y/N)!!!!" Casey yelled and you fell in his arms.

"If I don't live.... I love you Case..
Tell Raph.... I love him too......" You said before slipping into unconsciousness.

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