Rest: Raphael

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Almost immediately after we got to our temporary home, Donnie dragged me into one of the spare storage rooms.

"Are you okay D..?" I asked.

"Can I ask you some scientific questions?"

"Of course you can."

("Y/n), when we were fighting those Shredder mutants and you shifted in and out of your wings, did you do that on purpose?" He asked with interest.

"No, but now that I'm thinking about it, I kinda thought about how convenient it would be to have them at that time and they grew back. But then after the fight, they retracted again.." I explained.

"Fascinating! I'm going to have to run some tests so I can-"

"Nope." Raph said, barging in and holding my hand before pulling me away from the curious scientist.

"Raphael..." I said sternly as he continued to drag me until he lead me to a ladder.

"(Y/n)..." He mocked. I just rolled my eyes and climbed up the ladder and into the attic. It was finished and there was a couch and everything.

"How did they get a couch up here?" I asked to myself as I looked around the room.

"Doesn't matter, we need to get some sleep. Leo said we're infiltrating Dimension X tomorrow and we might not get out alive. I want to spend these last peaceful moments with you.." He said softly. I hugged him and nodded.

The couch turned into a pull out bed and after setting it up I snuggled my head into his shell.

"I love you so much Raph." I mumbled.

"Forever and always?"

"Forever and always."

With that, he fell right asleep and my mind was racing.

Will I find my dad?

What do I do?

What should I say?

I have no idea, but I will find him. And when I do, I will demand answers.

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