The Invasion: Leonardo

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You were in the lair with Leo has he planned his next move. Ever since Karai got mutated, He's been stressed and you stayed home from school to comfort him.

He's mentioned that the Kraang are about to make a move on the invasion, and he wants to leave the city. Leaving the city would be a huge step for you, but you would be willing to take it for him. You had nothing else to lose.

You decided to stay in the dojo and train while he told his brothers and sensei his plan. You wanted to be ready for the invasion, because Leo needs you.

You stopped training when you heard Erma's voice in the other room. You went to check in out, and found that Erma really was in the lair. Leo was assuring her that they were in peace but she started acting really weird.

Then she began to change into.... A KRAANG!?!?!

The Kraang picked up the Space Heroes arcade machine and threw it at you, barely missing you.

"Lowly insects, kneel before the genius of Kraang Sub-Prime, greatest Kraang spy in all of demension x. The discovery of the lair was the final component needed to launch FULL SCALE INVASION!" It said before dozens of portals started opening up in the lair.

You were ready to fight, grabbing your weapons from their sheaths and getting into position.

When they started shooting at you, you attacked.

You were in the middle of fighting a few bots when you saw The Erma head behind Leo.

"Leo behind you!" You shouted. Before it could attack him, Master Splinter stabbed it.

He told you to escape while he held them off, and you started running to tunnels that lead out of the city.

Donnie started to argue with Leo until a portal separated him, Mikey, and April from you and Leo.

You started to fight off the Kraang and Leo ordered you all to run, but you weren't going to leave him.

You stabbed two Kraang heads and started bashing them together.

"COME AND GET ME YOU SLIMEY FREAKS!!!" You yelled as everyone else ran into the other tunnel and you saw the Kraang follow you, as well as Leo.

"You should have gone with them!" He said As you both started taking out more Kraang.

"I'd never leave you!" You shouted back as you kept on running. When you got them far enough away from the others you and Leo took them out.

Leo spotted more Kraang behind you so he threw you on his back and climbed onto the ceiling of the tunnel.

"Kraang. Still no sign of turtles."

"Hurry Kraang. We must obtain the turtles for the one called Shredder."

When the Kraang walked away you gave Leo a worried look. Kraang and shredder working together was bad news.

Leo led you out of the sewers and to the surface. He kept you behind him as he checked around the corner.

There were Foot bots everywhere. One showed up behind you and you stabbed it. Them others started shooting arrows and you and Leo deflected them.

As you followed Leo, you watched the empty streets for dangers. When more foot showed, Leo took them out and it began to snow.

He looked determined and focused, you followed his lead without a word.

When you finally reached a safe place, you caught your breath and you both checked your phones. Leo had 47 missed calls from Mikey and April called you 53 times.

When the foot were approaching again, you ran behind them and took them out. They started an ambush and you and Leo were fighting side by side.

You spotted the shredder watching you and many archers shot their arrows on his signal. You and Leo dodged the arrows without a scratch. He pushed you behind him and held out his katana.

"Stop hiding behind your footbots! Face me Shredder!!!" He shouted.

"You are beneath me turtle." The Shredder said and a chain shot out of nowhere and wrapped around Leo's wrist, dragging him towards the wall.

"Leo!" You shouted as he was getting attacked. You went to save him when Tiger Claw and Fishface grabbed you and took you hostage.

"(Y/N)!!!" Leo called out to you as he fought the bots one by one, furiously. One of the bots kicked him in the face, making him fall into the hole.

Tiger Claw held his grip on you tightly, no room for escape.

"You should let me finish him Master." He requested.

"Not yet. I want to see him suffer."

"You will never get away with this Oroku Saki!!!" You yelled at him and Tiger Claws paw covered your mouth.

"Foolish girl, I already have." He said as Leo fought the bots.

With every kick, punch, and stab, you worried for Leo's safety.

He was pushed to the bottom of the hole and into the freezing cold water, weakening him.

Tiger Claw, Fishface, and Rahzar surrounded him as Shredder held you captive.

"Now you may finish him." He granted and those monsters began beating him. You were beginning to lose hope until he beat them all down, one by one.

You managed to free yourself from him and ran to help Leo but he grabbed your leg and slammed you to the ground. Then you turned to face him and attacked.

You held your own considerably well for a while, but then you were losing. He slammed you into the wall, sliced into your leg and beat you until you couldn't stand. The last thing you saw before he pushed your limp body into the hole was Leo's angry and sad expression as you were thrown, causing you to black out.

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