Meeting him: Donatello

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You have been held captive by the Kraang for a few days now. They give you little food and water and you have no idea where they took your mom. She is a Marine Biologist, what do they want with her?!?

A Kraang has opened your cell door and started dragging you out.

"What do you alien freaks want? We don't have money!" You tell them.

"Kraang does not seek what the one known as (y/n) calls money. Kraang needs the one known as (y/n) to test the mutagen that is being tested by Kraang in the place known as this place."

"Where's my mom! I demand that you let us go!!!!!!"

"The one known as your mom is located in the place that is not this place. The place will not be told to the one known as (y/n) because you are not allowed in that place. If you move from this place to that place then you shall be destroyed in that place by Kraang."

You give up the struggle and allow the Kraangdroids to drag you to the lab. They strap you onto a table under a large canister of a greenish blue ooze.

"When in the time units known as minutes will the one known as
(y/n) be mutated in this place by Kraang?"

"The one known as (y/n) shall be mutated by Kraang in this place in the time known as 5 minutes from the time that is known as now."

The Kraang's conversation was annoying you but you were more worried about be mutated by the strange substance above you. One of the Kraang was about to pull a lever when a blade went straight through it's head.

"The turtle known as Donatello is attempting to foil the plans made by Kraang in this place. Ones not permitted to be in this place shall be destroyed in this place."

The Krang start shooting at the mutant turtle but he dodges easily and breaks the bonds holding you to the table. Then he picks you up bridal style and jumps out the window.

After jumping across a few rooftops he puts you down.

"Um.. thank you Donatello." You say shyly.

"No problem. Wait, your not afraid of me?" He asks

"No way. You saved me from the Kraang! They were so annoying." You say.

You hear a few voices calling out for Donatello.

"I've got to go, call me Donnie by the way."

"I'm (y/n)."

"I hope I see you again (y/n).." He says as he runs toward the voices calling for him.

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