The first kiss: Michelangelo

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You and Mikey were at the skate park, again. Mikey was in human form and he was 100% positive that he is a better skater then you.

"Okay Skater Girl I've got a bet to propose. We both do tricks. If yours are better than I have to carry you home, but if mine are better than.... You have to kiss me!" He said.

"Alright, deal." you said before you shook hands.

Mikey took off and did a few 360s and a roof jump. before he finished he added a few kick flips and a pole grind.

Then it was your turn.

You figured that Mikey carries you home every night and you've never kissed, so you decided to lose this one.

You did 3 pole grinds before faking that you fell off your board.

"Are you okay??!" He asked.

"Yes Mikey I'm okay."

"Good...because now you e gotta kiss me!" He shouted.

You just giggled and pulled him by his mask straps into a short kiss, and then began skipping home as Mikey chased you.

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