"How long ago was this?"

"I think maybe a year?" He said. "A year? Where have you been staying?"

"I stayed at my house for a long time and then came into town in case they were here. I've been staying in an alley a few blocks away." Jin said.

"And you don't know where they were going?" I asked again. He shook his head.

"They said that they would be back the next day. I guess they liked the place." He laughed.

I felt bad for the kid. What kind of parents did he have? Bad ones. And he was staying in an alley? What if he got hurt or kidnapped? What about his health? He looked real skinny and as though he hadn't had a bath in months.

"Well Jin, after you finish up, why don't you show me that alleyway huh?" I asked and smiled at him. He nodded.

The place was nasty. He had only a ripped up mattress to sleep on. It was right by a dumpster which I was guessing where he got his food and other things.

Definitely not a place where he should be staying.

"Jin, how old are you?" I asked.

He giggled, "I just turned seven three days ago!"

"Whoa! Seven?" I messed. He laughed, "Yah!"

"Well I'll make a deal with you. If you come stay with me and my fiancé at my house, I'll try to track down your parents. This place is no place for a little boy, and your parents would want you to be taken care of."

"Really? You're gonna let me stay with you?" He jumped up and down in excitement. I nodded and held my hand out for him to take.


I helped give him a bath and dried him off. Jin's clothes were really nasty and torn up so I just threw them away.

Under all that dirt and nastiness was an adorable little boy. His dimples when he smiled shown better now. I went into my room and found a tshirt I hadn't worn in years. It was a bit big on Jin, but it would do until we got him better clothes. It went down to his knees and covered him like a dress.

I had an extra toothbrush for him to use and he brushed his teeth real good. After that, we cleaned his ears because they were pretty dirty too.

I heard the front door close and looked up to see Jungkook.

"Jungkook, we need to talk." I stood up. "Yoonshi I want to come-" "No, Jin. Stay here I'll be right back."

I drug clueless Jungkook into the kitchen.

"Who is that boy?" He asked. "Jungkook, he was homeless. The poor boy lived in an alleyway for over a year. Just please, let him stay here. Just until we find his parents." I begged.

"Yoonshi! We don't know anything about the kid-"

"I do! I know a lot! Just please Oppa?" I kissed him so he couldn't argue anymore.

"Fine, but only until we find his parents." He said.

I ran back into the room and grabbed Jin's hand. "Let's go get you some clothes and things." I said pulling him out along with Jungkook.

The whole car ride there, Jin and Jungkook talked about different things. I was glad they were making a bond with each other. I wanted to know how Jungkook's father was doing.

I had totally forgot about that.

I guessed I'd just ask later. We arrived to a clothing store and went in. I had to carry Jin because he had no shoes. I quickly bought him an outfit that fit him well and got him changed into it. He also got a pair of shoes to match.

"I really like this, thanks Yoonshi!" Jin squealed. Jungkook wrapped his hand around my waist and I held Jin's hand. We got him a few more outfits and another pair of shoes.

"Why don't you go pick out some toys?" Jungkook asked amd Jin ran to find the kid section.

"He really isn't that bad honey, and you won't have to worry about him. I'll take responsibility." I said. Jungkook nodded.

We found Jin checking out some toy cars. Jungkook went ahead of me and bent down beside Jin.

"You like cars? Whoa look at that one!" He pointed at one and Jin laughed. They were so cute! I didn't know Jungkook was so good with kids. He practically still was one so.

Jin got a few toys and then we got him a hat that he liked. I was glad Jungkook didn't mind blowing money of the boy. It meant a lot to me, and I'm sure it meant the world to Jin.

We got back into the car and went home.

"Thank you guys for everything!" Jin said.

"Yeah well it's getting pretty late why don't we go ahead and go to sleep?" Jungkook yawned and put some sweats on. I got changed into an oversized tshirt. I didn't mind being myself around a seven year old.

I picked Jin up, and he layed his head on my shoulder. I walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water. I drank it and went back into the bedroom.

"Boy he must have been tired." Jungkook pointed to Jin who was asleep already. I rubbed his back and nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure in that alley, he didn't get much sleep." Jungkook smiled, "Hey Yoonshi, you know, that was so kind of you to do this. All of this. If I were him, I'd love you to death. But I do anyways haha!" He saved himself and laughed.

"Shh, don't wake him up you pabo!" I whispered. Jungkook moved over in the bed and I layed Jin down. He squirmed and hung onto me when I got in bed after turning the lights out. I decided to leave the lamp on just in case.

Jungkook gave me a look when he saw Jin cuddled up to me like the child he was. I smiled and pulled Jungkook closer. I waited until Jungkook was asleep as well before I did myself.

Today was a long day, and I was just glad that I saved Jin Kaihan from the hell he was in.

Hung On Him | j.jk | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now