22. Blackmail (CALM)

Start from the beginning

"Y/N! HAVE YOU BEEN TAKING OUT THE TRASH?" Michael sounded frantic, and you could hear him running around the house knocking things over from your room.

"NO WHY?" You weren't that concerned yet, Michael often lost and found items in short periods of time, it was kinda funny actually.

"SO YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ANY LITTLE BOOK THINGS WITH HAIRY PEOPLE ON THE FRONT?" What in the world was he talking about? Hairy people? You were about to yell at him to shut up and stop being weird when it clicked. Michaels hair problems. Sighing, you grabbed the stack of paper and walked down the stairs delivering them to Michael directly.

"These hairy people?" You picked up the pamphlet on top which showed a man with nearly shoulder-length hair happily running as it blew in the wind.

"Yes. Why did you have them?" He had flushed a bright red, and was attempting to hide the pile behind his back, pushing you away from them.

"They're a good read, very informational." Michael clearly didn't appreciate your sass because he rolled his eyes and pulled out his cellphone, hitting the first speedial.

"What are you doing?" You tried to snatch the phone from his hand, but only succeded in making him even madder when you hit him square in the face.

"Calling Mom." Michael grinned triumphantly at the panicked look on your face as you tried to snatch the phone from his hands.

"NO! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" You screamed at him, jumping back as the phone began to ring.

"Clearly you don't respect me, so maybe you should hear it from Mom." He shrugged, putting the phone on speaker so you could both hear it.

"FINE WHAT DO YOU WANT!" You whisper-yelled silently praying that your mother wouldn't answer so you could get out of whatever Michael had in mind.

"Hmmmmm, well my laundry hasn't been done for a while now..." He trailed off looking at you expectantly as you scrunched your face in disgust. Michael's clothes always smelled horrible and were covered in pizza grease and mystery stains.

"Ew no."

"Hello? Michael?" Your mothers voice came through the phone and Michael started counting down on his fingers to show how much longer you had. Five, It wasn't worth it, nothing was worth Michael's laundry. Four, He was bluffing anyway, your Mom wouldn't care if you touched his stuff, what was he anyway five? Three, You certainly didn't want to go back to your boring old sibling-less house though. Two, Maybe just this once, then you could get him back later. One, Gosh, he was annoying. Reluctantly nodding, Michael jumped into action, explaining to your mother that he must have butt-dialed her on accident and that everything was fine. Your stare burned holes into the back oh his head until he finally hung up and turned around.

"Well? Isn't there something you should be doing?" He chuckled at your fuming rage, as you clenched your fists and stomped up to his room to collect his pile of dirty clothes.

"Let's just hope for your sake that I don't air any of your dirty laundry." You muttered walking away.


You were silently sitting at the kitchen table engrossed in your math homework when you heard noises coming from a room upstairs. You tried to ignore it and continue working, but it was too late, the noise wouldn't stop and your concentration was broken. Huffing, you closed your textbook and went to investigate. The noises, that sounded somewhere between squawking and screeching were definitely coming from Ashtons room, and you barged in to tell him to shut up. Just as you looked up to yell at him, you stopped and stared. Ashton was asleep, and he sounded like he was dying.

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