Chapter 29 -Dinner Invitation

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"Us? As in me too?" He pointed his chest, wanted to make sure.

"Yes. But.... It's okay if you don't want to go. I know how you and grandpa...."

"Yes, yes I want to go. Why not?" he said.

Her face looked in shock, "Are you sure?"

"Of course I am sure. Your whole family will be there?"

"Yes, um... dad, Evita and Caleb."

"Great! Count me in." he sounded enthusiastic. "I hadn't got the time to talk to them during the reception. It will be a good chance to get to know them."

"Well, Okay then." Kara was confused with his statement. Their marriage would only be for six months, it didn't matter if he didn't want to know her family, her grandpa was sulking the whole time anyway. "Tomorrow Dinner start at seven." She smiled a little.

"I'll be home by six to get ready." Stefan nodded.

Kara looked relieve, she gave him a small smile, turning her heels around to exit his room.

"Kara..." He stood up and walked up to her.


He sighed before taking her hands in his, "Kara, you are my wife. Your family is mine too. Don't you dare thinking that I will avoid them. Okay?"

"Okay...." She said softly.

"Promise?" he asked

"I promise."

"Good." He said before tipping her chin up and dropped a kiss on her nose.


Kara was a nervous wreck when they arrived at the Singleton's mansion. She eyed Stefan from the corner of her eyes expecting him to do the same but he didn't. He hooked his thumbs on his jeans' pockets. With black vest and blue shirt he looked nothing but relax.

She took steps in when the maid opened the door for them and they were greeted by Evita with her fake smiles plastered on her face. Caleb, Kara's father and Grandpa were standing behind her, welcoming their guests.

"Kara.... I miss you so much." Evita spread her arms widely and took Kara into a warm hug, next she hugged Stefan and thanked him when he gave her a small kiss on her cheek and an expensive bottle of champagne.

"You two look great. How are you doing?" she asked.

"Great, we are great." Kara walked passed her and gave each member of her family a hug too, surprised of how relax grandpa had been.

Stefan followed her from behind waiting for his turn to shake people's hand. "Come sit with us guys." Evita took them to the living room and offered them something to drink.

Stefan sat next to Kara and watched them interact with each other. Compared to his family, Singletons was very tensed and old fashioned kind of family. His family would be all over the place talking loudly and the kids would run around like wild monkeys. But Singletons were quiet and neat. They went to their chairs in unison as if the chairs had their name on them already.

"So, how is marriage life?" Evita asked, pouring the drink on Stefan's glass then Kara's.

"It's been good, Isn't it Stefan?" Kara looked at her husband, trying to involve him in the conversation.

He nodded in agreement, his hand was running up and down her back. "I have the best wife in the world, I am a very lucky man." he said.

"I bet you are Stefan." Grandpa decided to talk, "how's the business doing?"

Fallen for Romeo #wattys2016Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang