Chapter 51 - The Other Problem

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Kara checked herself in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction. Her bruises were almost gone. Her lips weren't swollen and she now could chew freely till her heart content.

She sighed happily before walking out from the pub's bathroom and almost screamed when she saw her three bodyguards stood there waiting in front of the door.

"Shit guys!" she complained.

"Sorry Kara. Stefan said, we have to be as close as possible to you." The skinny guy said. He had a funny face with long nose and thin lips. He reminded her of the Condor bird. His skin was also funny, it was slightly orange. Maybe he ate too much carrot Kara thought. She had decided to call him OJ, the short of Orange Juice. Well she couldn't pronounce his real name right anyway besides she really didn't have the time to be nice to these men, they didn't smile and she hated no smiling people.

"I know what he said but can't just one of you here and the rest sat there on the bar instead of standing here like perverts?"

"Sorry, can't do." OJ answered.

"Fine! Now get out of my way." She walked pass them to go back to her table, she swore she would yell at Stefan tonight for hiring idiots.

She took a deep breath calming herself. After all tonight was her night. She just wanted to enjoy her drinking time that she rarely got lately. Her life was so busy that she didn't have time to have fun anymore.

Tonight she would do it.

She would drink till her heart content then she would text Stefan to pick her up. That man needed to take care of her more, he had been neglecting her lately. Obsessed by catching the brain behind the attack.

She had told him to let it go and let the police did the job but he insisted that something wasn't right. Kara thought he was just bored for not being able to work too much. His board members had insisted for him to come to work only twice a week and use the time to rest and let them do the job.

She sighed checking her empty table. She would be alone, not that she minded sitting alone, but she would sit on the bar this time. She knew the bartender Valerie, and she wouldn't mind chit chatting with her for a bit.

She walked to the circle bar and took a seat on one of the stool. Her bodyguards scattered around her but none of them sat next to her. Good she thought or she would punch them on the face for invading her space one more time.

"Hi Val." She greeted the short haired girl with a black stud on her ears and a ring on her lower lip.

"Kara!" Val yelled happily. "Long time no see! What are you? Some celebrities now?" Val lifted her chin to the bodyguards.

"Stefan's idea."

"Ahh....." Val nodded in understanding. "How's the gorgeous husband of yours anyway? Still have a broken leg?" she laughed at her own joke.


"Hey, as long as the other 'leg' isn't broken I am sure he still can make you happy." She winked and Kara laughed.

"True to that!" Kara gave her some hundred dollar bills. "Get those monkeys drink and food, especially the orange dude. He's too skinny, maybe steak will do." She grinned, mocking her own guys.

"Sure!" Val called for a waitress and instructed her to serve the boys. "And what about you? What can I get you? The usual?"

Kara's drink almost delivered immediately. Val only had Kara to serve right now. The bar was pretty quiet at this hour. That was why Kara came before peak time. She liked it here, her favourite bar. It was clean, modern, great cocktails, great food and friendly staff, most of all, the circle bar bench was the best spot to sit. It gave her almost 360 degree view to the whole premises. She would be able to see the tables across the room to spot some hot guys without being spotted back.

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