Chapter 1

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A/N: Okay, so this is going to be a Dieclari/Diegia story.

I'm not gonna say too much as sometimes I talk way too much in a beginning like this xD

So enjoy!

Diego's POV:

We only have like 2 months till we finish filming Violetta.

You know... It makes me a little sad as I loved this cast, I loved to be Tini's second father and also...

I also loved to be near Clari...

Not like if we won't be close anymore when we finish... As me and her are dating for a year already and as amazing as this has been so far... I want to take the next step...

Which is to ask her to be my wife.

Yes, you heard me well.

I love her so terribly much... It feels so unreal, but then it is real.

- Diegoooo... For god sake, stop spacing out!

It was Clari, who tried to get me notice her.

And I quickly got her by pulling her into my lap and kissing her softly on the lips.

- What is it? - I asked casually, but with a cheeky smile - What are you up to, beautiful?

- Hah! - she gasped, but then giggled - I was just trying to get your attention... And seems like I succeeded quicker than I thought...

- You always can get my attention... - I smirked at her while wrapping my arms around her waist - I can't wait to have you all to myself tonight...

She smirked back at me then without answering to me she kissed me passionately on the lips, barely letting me breathe which I couldn't care less about.

I'm so attached to her.

I feel like I can't spend a minute without her.

She's my everything.

She's just amazing, gorgeous, kind and helpful to people and her fans.

She's just perfect in every way.

And even though there is this one guy, Diego Dominguez, who has been trying to take her away from me in every moment when we weren't together she never even thought about saying yes to him.

Sometimes I don't understand why does she love me at the first place...

I mean... Dominguez is younger, a better actor and looks better than me as well.

- That's just dumb! - she snapped at me once when I said that - He isn't better than you so stop saying that for god sake!

- He is younger and...

- Who cares?! - she snapped as she pushed me down in our bed.

We were living together for a while now.

- Diego... Stop thinking that anyone can be better than you... - she continued - You're kind, loving, an amazing actor, friend and lover... And you're extremely sexy too... - she smirked while caressed my cheek - I love you and no one can change on that...


She's just perfect to me...

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