Chapter 31

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Drama continued going on and on and by now I'm honestly done with caring.

They will eventually stop doing this drama once when it gets boring, or when Clari finds a boyfriend and they will care about that.

Luckily most of my fans are supportive and loving enough to believe I've never cheated on Clari and I've never done anything to her to make her feel depressed, or anything like that.

I'm so happy to know they're this amazing and smart to notice things and believe me instead of the drama kings and queens that started all this.

I'm just glad I have a life and people around me like what and who I have...

----- TIME SKIP -----

Both me and Selvaggia have been working hard in the past couple of months so we didn't really have time to spend with each other...

Until one evening when she came out of the bathroom and suddenly said, out of nowhere:

- Let's go to Praga!

- What? - I gasped.

- You heard me well! - she laughed.

- Okay... But why Praga?

- Because I haven't been there yet and... Because I just had this idea! So what do you say?

- I'd go anywhere as long as I can go with you...

To this she smiled then came to me to the bed, pushed me down then kissed me softly and happily on the lips.

- We need some time to relax anyway... - she said - Relax and focus on each other...

- I agree - I grinned as I just layed there, under her, staring up into her beautiful eyes.

I'm so ready for this trip...

----- TIME SKIP -----

Within a few days we got everything done so we could leave for our trip which we later planned out to last for 2 weeks and include another trip to Berlin as well.

I actually have sone relatives there so that's gonna be good for me to see them as well.

But first we went to look around and just have fun together.

As usual when we were walking around in the city she was taking pictures to have those for her blog and wherever else she can use them when at one moment I carefully wrapped my arms around her from behind, kissing her softly.

- Oh! - she gasped - Are you being cute again? - she said jokingly.

- I just wanted to hug you - I replied casually.

- Well... Then how about you lean closer for a moment? - she asked while holding her phone up and as first I didn't understand I soon realized what she was about to do.

She was getting ready to take a picture of us.

And of course I went with it.

When she was done I was still frozen which caused her to ask:

- What is it?

- You know... We have been together for a while... But this is the very first picture we have ever taken together... - I replied.

She looked at me then kissed me on the cheek.

- I know... It was time for that already - she added - Am I right?

- Yes... Yes, you're right...

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