Chapter 32

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Later that day when we went to rest in our room...

- You have no idea how my I've changed thanks to you... - I smiled - I haven't been feeling this... Complete and... Happy... Ever in my life...

- Diego... - she sighed while blushing slightly.

- I'm telling you the truth... Because I love you... And there's nobody that could make me change my mind on how much I love and adore the way you are...

She looked down as she tried to avoid eye contact and avoid blushing more than she already did, but I lifted her chin up and kissed her softly on the lips.

I just couldn't keep myself back.

- I love you too... - she smiled softly.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Soon our next stop was Berlin to have some amazing time alone, looking around in the city, or having some passionate time without any interrpution.

As we were together I just couldn't help hugging her, kissing her and just loving her in short.

Our trip was incredible, but soon we had to go back to Italy and get back to our daily routine and working.

At some point she herself decided to join to my work in filming my show for some reason.

I didn't understand why did she want to join in, but I was happy she did.

- I'm glad you're here though - I smiled as I wrapped one arm around her while we were nearly starting the show - I love when you're around me and we're not just home...

- I want to finally support you for once in your work... As you have done that so many times to me - she replied while hugged onto me.

She's so adorable.

Like... How is this possible?

Uhh... Anyway...

----- TIME SKIP -----

As the show started I had to focus on hosting, but I didn't leave out doing a quick intro for her at the beginning as well.

Gladly enough I had a host partner so whenever she spoke I got to care about Selvaggia for a bit and when we had this moment together she did the most surprising thing to me...

She kissed me.

- Ah... This felt good... - she smirked.

- Just like this? While recording? - I laughed awkwardly as even people were in the studio right now that were watching us.

Luckily no one reacted to us, but I'm pretty sure as soon as this will be on TV everybody will talk about this.

- I'm just tired of keeping this in secret - Selvaggia replied - So if anyone's gonna talk about this kiss then go ahead!

I just smiled then kissed her again which she happily returned while the show continued.

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