Chapter 37

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I actually had a plan for this date and this is why I actually wanted this tonight.

I may won't be asking her to be my wife just yet... mostly because to that I have something way better planned... But silly girl probably totally forgot about her own birthday which is tomorrow and I got a little present for her.

I want to be the first one wishing her a happy birthday and if everything goes the way I plan for this then it's gonna work out.

And what did I got her?

You'll have to wait and see!

----- TIME SKIP -----

9pm in the evening and Ivana, Selvaggia's other close friend is here to look after Leon while we're away on our date.

I'm already done getting ready and I'm only waiting for Selvaggia to be done, while talking to Ivana...

- Do you remember that tomorrow is...

- Her birthday, I know. I wouldn't forget that.

For some reason Ivana doesn't seem to fully trust me and like me and the weirdest thing in all this is that I have no idea what have I done to make her so suspicious like this.

But I'm trying my best to look good.

Because I am good... Or atleast better than Laerte.

Erm... Anyway...

Soon Selvaggia was ready too...

- Well, gorgeous... Shall we go? - I asked her when I walked up to her, took her hand and kissed it - You look absolutely amazing...

- Thank you - she smiled - And yes... We can go...

She then looked over to Ivana, who still looked bothered, whispered something to her then took my hand and we headed out together.

----- TIME SKIP -----

- Ivana really doesn't like me, does she? - I said once when we were already sitting at the dinner table.

- Hm? Don't take it too hard... - Selvaggia replied with a soft smile on her face - She might doesn't want to accept you just yet... But she eventually will...

- Are you sure?

- Don't be worried about that! Be more worried about me! - she joked.

- Is there something wrong?

- No, no! - she laughed - But don't be too worried about Ivana! She just wants to protect me... And if she sees we're happy soon she'll accept us...

I just smiled as she said that.

- Okay... If you say so... - I added while checked my watch to see that we were right in time for my surprise now - By the way...

- Yes?

- Do you know what day it is?

- Huh? No...

I didn't say anything yet, but took my present out to the table.

- This is for you, beautiful... Open it - I smiled.

She was still confused, but as she opened it and saw the necklace in the box and the letter she gasped...

- "I wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday... And I hope I succeed. Happy Birthday my queen"

After reading my letter out she looked up at me and kissed me.

- Thank you... - she said, looking like she was about to cry in happiness which was really adorable to see - You succeeded... Handsome idiot...

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