Chapter 27

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The next couple of months passed by and surprisingly nobody caught us living in the same house and stuff like that which was good.

We didn't want the media and everyone to be in our business just yet as we were still working on to get to know each other more while work out the way of living together... And you know... Some other things.

Clari continued being cold to people which caused the fans to guess if it is because of our divorce and because she was heartbroken, not wanting to communicate with anyone which of course ended up in an argument between her fans and my fans.

The two group decided to "fight", even though it should be me and Clari who should solve this... Even though this is pretty much not even my business at the first place.

But goddamnit! I've still been married to her for 7 years and had a relationship with her for even longer so of course I want to help her out.

But if she doesn't let me...

This got me worried that might Selvaggia gets jealous, but she didn't...

- I know what's going on and I understand you want to help her and the fans too - she said one night when I just couldn't keep all the problems back - You shouldn't stress yourself over me...

- Are you sure? - I looked over to her, holding onto her hand gently - I should be caring about you more and yet all I'm doing is to worry about everyone and everything else...

- This problem is yours too and not just hers, or others... And as much as I think she should be trying to tell them the truth... Maybe it should be you, who talks to them...

- Okay, but how?

- I might can help you in that...

----- TIME SKIP -----

Thanks to Selvaggia being one of the most famous on social media, blogger and TV personality in Italy she decided to involve me in one of her interview she had to make about her job and let me talk about the drama I was involved.

She also stated that we are only friend and she's helping me out by letting me live in her house while I find a house to myself, although this part wasn't true I was incredibly happy how everything turned out in this interview.

Although this caused more drama and more questions to be asked...

- "I'm pretty sure the two have been together once when Clari was sad!" "He cheated on Clari with her!" "Stop arguing! This is their lives and not yours!"

These words were written and even more under the video of the interview we had.

Selvaggia read these comments from Twitter, sighing deeper and deeper after every sentence.

- This is no use... - she sighed.

- They will calm down soon.. - I sighed too as I hugged her gently - Thank you so much...

- For what? We didn't solve this...

- No... But for being ready to do anything to help me out - I smiled at her and she just smiled back and kissed me softly before we both decided to ignore everything and just enjoy our day together.

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