personal for dolantwinz12

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here's your personal!!! hope you love it @dolantwinz12 !!!!!
Shawn age 12
Right now we are at Magcon with all of the boys. We were about to go to the venue where they would perform but Shawn and I had to finish getting ready. The boys told us they would wait in the hallway for us. Shawn was in the bathroom and I was going to finish my makeup. I leaned over Shawn's guitar and accidentally stepped on his velvet guitar cover. It slipped back and I fell right on top of his guitar. I winced when I heard a crack and I looked down to see the neck was bent and the third and sixth string had snapped. Shawn walked out just in time.
"Shawn it was an accident I'm so sorry." I said nervously.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" he said picking up the guitar. The boys walked in due to the screaming.
"I didn't mean to! I slipped!" I said stepping back.
"I HAVE TO PERFORM IN TEN MINUTES." he said shoving me. The boys walked towards us.
"Dude calm down." Cameron said. Shawn ignored him.
"KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY STUFF." his hand flew up and he slapped me hard across the face. I fell to the floor with tears brewing in my eyes.
"Holy sh-Cristina are you ok?" Cameron came to my side as Shawn looked at me in shock. I just sat there and held my cheek. The other boys bombarded Shawn shouting at him and telling him how he shouldn't have done that. I could see the remorse and pain in Shawn's eyes and I couldn't look away. Did he really regret it? I couldn't believe he hit me.
"Lets go get you ice." Cameron said pulling me up. He led me to the other room where he pulled out some ice from the ice bucket and wrapped it in a towel. He sat me down and held it on my cheek for me.
"Thank you." I smiled slightly.
"No problem." he smiled back.
"I'm scared." I said.
"I know." he said putting his arm around me.
"If you need to stay here tonight you can. Matt and Aaron and Taylor are in here too." I smiled and thanked him.
Time went by and the boys began to go back in their rooms. I guess they cancelled the show. I wanted to go see him so I asked Cameron to come just in case he flips out again.
I walked into our room but kept my distance. I was sitting on the far bed and he was sitting on the chair in the corner. When he heard me walk in he looked up. He was crying. I've never seen him cry before. I didn't know what to do. Why was he crying, I was the one who was slapped across the face by my own brother who I now have to live in fear with...
My brother sniffled and I looked up at him. We made eye contact and I instantly broke it. I decided to say something instead of just sitting there.
"Why?" I said looking at him. He looked up at me.
"Why would you hit me?" I said my voice breaking off at the end.
"I couldn't control myself I swear my hand had a mind of its own I would never hit you-"
"Well you did." I said sharply.
"I-i know I didn't mean to-"
"Obviously you did if you did it." I shot back.
"I'm sorry." he said looking down.
"Sorry is not enough." I said but instantly felt bad when I saw another tear roll down his cheek but that guilt turned to anger when I felt my now swollen cheek.
"I know it's going to take a lot to forgive me. And I want you to take as long as you need. But I want you to know that I promise I will never lay a hand on you again I love you and I'm so sorry." he said walking over to me. I anticipated him being so close but I knew in his heard it was sorry.
"I love you too." I told him giving him a hug. I thanked Cameron for staying with me and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Shawn kept his promise and never hit me again. The bruise when went away in a week or two and Shawn made up with the boys. Oh! and he got his guitar fixed.

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