Personal for @kennyblanchard9

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Here's your personal @kennyblanchard9 !! Hope you love it!!!
Taylor age 14

"No Taylor!!" I screamed.
"Oh my god your so annoying just do it!!!" He screamed in my face.
"I'm not doing anything for you and your bitchy girlfriend!! She's just using you!!" I screamed in his face. Taylor instantly shoved me and I fell back hitting my shoulder on the edge of the counter. I cried out in pain. He ran into his room and slammed the door. A few tears escaped my eyes as I pulled myself up. I pulled down the sleeve of my shirt and gasped when I saw the cut and bruise already forming. I washed out the cut and let it stay open so it would heal quicker. I lay in bed and cried myself to sleep.
The next morning when I woke up I could barely move my shoulder. I tried brushing my teeth and my hair but I really couldn't move it. I was so scared. Taylor was the only person home and I couldn't tell him. I sighed and walked downstairs. Taylor was already making a bowl of cereal. I tried to hold back my tears. I walked down the stairs and missed one so I had to quickly grab the rail. I gasped in pain and said on the stairs clutching my shoulder. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I broke down. Taylor turned around and ran to the stairs.
"Kennedy?" He asked coming up by me.
"T-Taylor it hurts!!" I screamed.
"What? What hurts?" He asked. I turned and showed him my shoulder. He gasped. He instantly picked me up, got his keys, brought us to the car, and drove to the hospital.
The doctor told me that I had a fractured bone in my shoulder. The table hit deep enough to crack it. I didn't feel that much pain until the next day because my body couldn't read what had happened. I had a bandage around my shoulder and I needed it for 6 to 8 weeks. The doctor let Taylor in and he sat across from me. I looked down.
"Kennedy. I am so sorry. I was just angry. You were right. She was using me. We broke up this morning. I didn't mean to hurt you and you know I would never do it intentionally. I am so sorry and I love you so much." By now we were both crying. I said it's ok and I love you to and he ran over to me and gave me a cautious hug and a kiss on the cheek.

How was it?? Remember to vote and comment so I can update for you guys!! Love you awesome perfect beauties and handsomes!!!!💛💛

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