Ending of the Story

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I arrived at the Hospital.

I ran towards the front table.

“Hi Miss, What’s the room number of Psyche Villareal?” I asked her. I can feel now the sweat running through my cheeks.

“Wait sir.” She said in a calm tone.


“Ugghh.. faster please!” I exclaimed.

“She’s on the ICU a while ago, and transfered now to the room 077.” She said in a calm voice.

“Oh, Thanks and... sorry.” I said.

“It’s okay sir, I understand.” She said and smiled.

I ran upstairs.








I knocked three times.

My mom opened the door.

“Skyler!”She said and hugged me.

“Where is she?”I asked her.

“She’s  here..” She said and let me in. She closed the door. I saw my dad in a chair, sleeping at the corner. I saw Chrysler playing his tablet in the floor while sitting on a blanket.

I saw her lying on the hospital bed. I saw a dextrose beside her bed. There are some bandages on her body, it looks like she got a hard smash. First, on her right foot. Second, on her right left arm. and last, on her head. I can still see some scratches on her cheeks.
I can feel my tears running down through my cheeks.

“What happened to her?I mean the exact reason.” I asked.

“She loses her break. The police officers already caught  that  bastards. Those people admit that they’ve plan it. They planned a revenge to Psyche because  she kept on winning, and they  kept on loosing their moneys. So.. there. That’s  why it  happened.” My mom explained while crying.

“I told her not to go there anymore.” I said while looking at Psyche, she was asleep.

“I thought she is not going to that place since we started to go to the mall and do shopping.” She said while sitting in the chair beside Psyche’s bed.

“Mom, When do you think she will wake up?” I asked my mom.

“Hmn. Maybe, minutes or hours. The doctor said, she will easily gain her energy and go back to normal. The damage was not that severe.”  She said.

“Good to know.” I  said.


I put out my cellphone from my pocket.

It’s Psyche’s Mom.

“Hello Skyler, I went here to your house. I told Psyche that I will go here at 6pm. But I decided to come here earlier to surprise here with her dad." Her mom said happily.

"Ow, sorry to say mrs. Villareal but we  are here at the hospital, Psyche got a car accident." I said.

"Omygod! What happened?!" She exclaimed.

I explained to her everything.

"We're near at the hospital, what is the room number?" She said.

"077" I simply said.

"Okay,  okay.. Bye. We're hear." She said.

I ended the phone call.

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