Chapter 15: Walking

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I woke up.


Today is the second day of my school. :/

I go to my bathroom and take a shower. After that, I wear my uniform, which is like the korean uniforms, which compose of, above the knees skirt, long white socks, and white blouse with ribbon. I checked out myself on the mirror. I'm ready.

I got my bag and my cellphone.

I went downstairs, in our kitchen to eat my breakfast. I saw my brother on the table, drinking some milk and eating egg sandwich while using his laptop.

"What do you think you are doing?" I asked him.

"Using my laptop?" he looked at me and laughed.

"Don't state the obvious." I said.

"What's the matter huh?" He said and turned his gaze to his laptop reading some I don't know what was it.

"Don't you know that using laptop while eating is some kind of disrespecting! Because God gave us the food, we must eat it with full of thanks." I said.

"You don't know what's happening here Aikee, I am thankful to God for this blessing.... But.... Nevermind." He said.

I didn't talk back. I just get my Chocolate drink and egg sandwiches too. My Nannies are busy, 'coz they are not here, they must be around somewhere here cleaning some corners in this house.

While I'm eating my Food.. I asked my brother. "Where's Mom and Dad?" I asked. Because they are always eating with us every morning before they go to their own work.

"They went to their own works earlier in the morning, they used each cars. You have no car that you will use to go to your school." he said calmly.

"Whaaattttt??!!!" i said. "-But whyy?? They used to use one car together." i asked.

"I don't know. You have to start walking now. It is just 5:40. You still have lots of time to walk." he said.

"What about you? How will you get to your school?" i asked him.

"Don't worry, my classmate near here are going to pick me up today. Go on!" he said.

"Good Bye Stan!" i tapped his head.

"Take Care Aikee." he said.

"I can't believe this will happen to me!!" I said. I get my bag and went outside.


I'm walking now. -______-

I put my earphones on my ears. I don't want to hear some whispers from the people I am passing by. Because I am living here in Subdivision which is compose of Rich people and I am just walking. What the Hell! :3

I just looked down at the road. I am walking to the side of the highway.

*peeeeeep peeeeep peeeeep*

*peeeepp peeeeep peeeeep*

*peeeeep peeeeep peeeeeep*

Ughh. There are so much cars passing by. -_____- I put out one of my earphone.

*peeeep peeeeeep peeeep*

I turned around. So, it was Ericko's car.

"Hey! come here inside." I saw ericko inside their car.

"Hello, No thanks." i said shyly.

"Oh Come on! We are getting late! It's 6:40 in the morning." he said. It's almost 1 hour that I'm walkingg??!!

"Okay." I get inside. We are the back of the driver seat. I sit beside ericko.

"Why are you just walking? Where is your service?" he asked curiously.

"My parents took both of our cars. So that,there is no left at least one car to me to ride on." i explained.

"Ow." he said. After a few minutes, we're in the school. Ericko's driver parked the car. We went outside the car. All of their eyes shifting toward to us. They keep talking about us. -__-

"Are they living together?" ugh.. Judgmental people everywhere. :3

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