Chapter 46: Birthday Gift

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Skyler's POV

Almost 2 days left and it will be Psyche's birthday.

I'm still wondering if what gift I will give to her.

It's been three days since Psyche did not going to that car race. She was always with my mom doing shopping. I don't even know Psyche will say yes when my mom asked her if she can accompany her.

We have no classes today.

I jumped out at bed. I decided to take a look of Psyche. I really like her when she was sleeping. I went outside my room.

I went in front of Psyche's room. I slowly twist the door knob. I saw her sitting at the corner of her bed. She didn't saw me because I was facing her back. She is calling someone that's why she didn't even noticed or hear that somebody opened her door.

"Sorry, I'm busy. I'm always with my mom. You know, shopping." She said.

"You're a cheater! Come back here! You already have 100thousand!" The voice on the other end said. I
Her phone is in loudspeaker. 100K??!!

"I will not going back there anymore. I'm so sorry." She apologized. I think the voice on the other end was referring to the car race.

"You can't!" The other voice exclaimed.

"But... I think..." She started.

"Whatever your reason is, once you get started here, you can't quit anymore!" The voice on the other end said madly.

"Okay, fine! I will be back at my birthday! I will be back at the race." She said and ended up the call.

"Damn!" She exclaimed. And looked back at my direction.

I ran towards my room before she could caught me. But it's too late, she already saw me.

"So..." She started.

"You've heard all of it." She added and raise her eyebrow.

"Y-yes.... It's dangerous, please don't get back there." I said.

"I need to go there. They are all mad at me for not going there for three nights." She said worriedly.

"And.. Where did you put your 100K? What are you going to do with that?" I asked. It's really a big money.

"I will donate it to the charities." She simply said. Despite of all the bad things happened to her she can still think to help others. She was not totally that bad.

"So, if you like it or not. I will still go there." She said and rolled her eyes and shut her door.

I sat at the front of my door. After some minutes, I saw her went out on her room. She wears a dress.

"Where will you go?" I asked her.

"Hmnn... I don't know." She said.

"Huh?!" I asked her curiously.

"Actually, I don't really know. I will just accompany my friend to do shopping." She said.

"Is that the real reason? Or you just making fake reason to go to the car racing? Because as far as I know, you don't even have any friend." I said while rasing my right eyebrow.

"That's the truth. And I will just go to the car racing when my birthday comes. And I promised, that will be the last. And... Fine, fine.. I will just go to the mall with myself, to relax." She said and walked down stairs.

I hope so.

I saw her room widely opened.



I take a look at my cellphone. It's not it. Where? I think.... That it was coming from Psyche's room.

I get inside her room. I saw her cellphone beside her bed, above the table.

She forgot her phone.

I looked at her cellphone.

Her mom was calling her.

0.0 I guess, this is the first call of her mom again. Because if her mom was calling her already, she will be back at her normal life. She needs to know this.

After some seconds. Her mom ended the call. I didn't answer it.


*bright idea*

Now, I know what will be my gift to her birthday.

I get the number of her mom, dad, her brother, ericko and her former bestfriends, as well as her Nannies.

Yah, I know it's bad, using somebody's phone secretly without their permission. But it's for good.

She used to tell me about the whole story about her life before it became like this.

I will invite them to her birthday that will be held at our house. And I want it to be their moment to give their sorry to Psyche. I want them to be okay now. I want to bring Psyche's life back to normal.

That will be my gift to her.

I hope it will be succesful.

I want her to be happy, always.
Author's Note

Hi There! *waves*

The end is near. I think, only 3-5 chapters are remaining. Please keep in touch until the end.

And I just wanted you to know that I will make another story. :))))


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