Chapter 11: Seatmate

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My teacher introduced herself to me. So, her name was Mrs. Lou Alforte. She said that I can call her simply Ma'am Lou.

She's our adviser, pretty and kind. I've thought that she's always hot-headed but I'm wrong. We have our own first impression.

Being mad doesn't mean that you're always hot-headed. I think It's just her way to keep her student to be quiet.

She also said that this first week of classes are not already regular. So it means, we are not having some lessons but we will have some introduction about the topic. She said that we are still free to do whatever we want right now. Good thing!

"Hello Ma'am!" Ericko said. He's panting. He have sweats running down to his face. He's still cute. *0* It looks like he ran.

"Oh, you're here my dear. You can now sit beside Ms.Villareal." My teacher said in a sweet voice.

"Sure." He said and smile.

Everybody whispers.

He sat next to me.

I looked up to him.

"Is it okay to sit here?" he asked teasingly.

"You are already sitting." I said with a laugh. He laugh back too.

"Just kidding." he said.

I looked to my other classmates. Still looking at me and ericko. I just looked down. I feel so shy.

"Don't mind them. They are nice. They are always like that when there are new transferee here, and I'm one of them. I just transfered here last school year." he explains.

"Really? I thought they are all mad at me." I said sadly.

"No. They are nice. Trust me. After a week or a days, you will realize that I'm correct." He said.

"I hope so." I said with a smile.

I smiled at them.

They smiled back. :')

I hope they will become nice to me.

"We are 29 students here." he simply said.

I counted it. But, it was just 28. I also included myself.

"You're wrong. We are just 28." i said it with a laugh.

He quickly glance to his side. Seeing a vacant seat.

"Oh! I forgot. We still have one classmate you haven't seen. *sigh* busy doing some work." he said.

"And who is it?" i asked.

"It's SL." he said. SL? Or Essel? Or Ezel? Something like that. So she's a girl huh. It must be Ericko's crush. :< i suddenly get sad.

"Okay." i simply said. Head down.

"Don't be sad." he said looking at me and smile.

"I want to go home." i simply said. I put my head on the desk.

"Excited huh?" he said.

I didn't say a word. I keep quiet. I feel bored.



I opened my eyes.

Whhuuttt?!!! I fall asleep?! Good thing there was not a teacher.

I leaned at the chair. I saw Ericko and my other classmates are sleeping too.

"Hey!" I whispered to Ericko's ear. He slowly opened his eyes.

"It's already 2:00! We must eat our lunch." I added. He got up and get his bag. I get my bag too.

Our room is just next to the Canteen.

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