Chapter 16: Friends

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"Go on, I have some important things to do, you know, as a Vice President." he said.

"Okay." I said.

"Okay, see you later Psyche." he said and smile. He run upstairs.

I'm heading to my room. There are still many students walking. It's 6:55am, I still have 5mins to walk.

I entered my room. I am late, good to know that our adviser is not yet here.

I sat. All eyes at me.

"Hey! Hello." the girl at my front said.

"I hope we can be friends." the girl on her side said.

"Hello, of course we can be friends." i said with a smile. They look so kind, pretty, and Harmless. :3 And who am I for not taking that opportunity? So I grabbed it and accepted it.

"You are Psyche Villareal right?" the girl in my front asked.

"Yes I am." I said.

"I am Gwency Florague." she said and offer her hand for a shake hand.

"Nice to meet you Gwen." I said with a smile.

"And I am Andrea Florague." said the girl on her side.

"Nice to meet you too Rea. Hmn. Cousins?" i said and smiled at them. Because they are the same surname and they can't be twins because they are not look alike. And they can't be sisters.

"Yes, we are cousins. Hahaha! It looks like you really love giving nicknames huh?" gwen said and laughed.

"Yah, I really love giving nicknames. Because, they said that, when you gave someone a nickname, they must be important to you." I said.

From now on, they are one of the important persons in my life. Because they are the persons who talked to me and make friends with me.

"Oh, so touchy." rea said.

"And.. You can call me Aikee." I said.

"Of course." they both said.

"Good Morning Class." our adviser said.

We stand up.

"Good Morning Ma'am." we said.

"Take your seats." she said.

She put down her bag and books.

"Hmn. Class, I just want you to know that there is a meeting after lunch, but only for teachers. So, after lunch, you can go to your own houses." she said.

We are all happy. Someone says "Yes!", "Yehey!", "Wohoo!", and some are just quiet, like me.

"Quiet Class!" our teacher said.


"Today is Cleaning Day!" our teacher said.

"aww." they said.

"Do you want me to have some lessons? Or you are all going to clean until lunch break?" she said.

We are all agreed to do cleaning. Because we still don't want to have some lessons.

"Okay, boys, you are all responsible to do watering the plants in our garden and mopping the floor here inside and some can help the girls here. Girls, you are incharge to do sweeping and arranging all the books at the back as well as cleaning the bathroom and take out the dust in our window." she said.

"But before that, i will check first your attendance." she said and start looking to us. It looks like she already know each of us.

"Vergara is not yet here?" she asked.

"Yes Ma'am, he went upstairs." i said.

"Ah.. How about Clifford? Hmm. Also in Upstairs i think." she said. It looks like Clifford is also known as SL or Ford. She must be beautiful, she must be the secretary of this school. She must totally Ericko's crush. :[ I want to see her and meet her.

"Okay. Start now." she said and get out to our room.

We began to clean our room. Some are still sitting in their chairs chatting with their friends and some are using their cellphones. All the boys are cleaning and went to the garden. Gwen, rea and I started to sweep the floor. After that, two boys began mopping the floor. And all the girls started to clean the room.

After we finished cleaning the room, it's 12:00. We take our own lunch. I am with Gwen and Rea.

We bought our own meal.

I ordered two Chicken with mashed potato and they ordered the same.

We sat down. I am in front of them.

"So, tell me Aikee, is Ericko your boyfriend?" Gwen asked with a smile.

"No. Of course not. We're just friends."
I said and smiled at them.

"Hmn. Okay, accepted! And how did you know each other?" rea asked.

"Hmn. Ericko and his Dad went to our home because of business and that's where we met each other. " I remember how I bumped to him that time. "-and also we are just neighbors. " I added.

"Ah. Okay. We thought that the reason you transfered here is because for you to be with him." Gwen said and laughed. I laughed too.

After we ate our foods.

We get back to our room.

They packed up their things.

"Good Bye Aikee." they both said.

"Good Bye." i said.

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