Chapter 12: Vice President

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We are going to buy some food.

I don't want to eat some rice today. So that, I only bought some beef flavoured cup noodles and Mineral water. Ericko buys a Ham and Cheese sandwich and mineral water.

While we are eating, i heard somone says "She's just new here but she already hooked the heart of our Vice President."

I don't know if who was she referring to. But they are keep talking and looking in our side. So, I'm really sure with this.

"Uhmn.. Ericko.." I started.

"Why?" He asked, still chewing his food.

"Hmnn, the girl out there... why did she said that you are a Vice President? Of what? Isn't you she was referring to? " I asked him.

He let out a sigh.

"Yah, that's true.I'm a Vice President of this school." he said in a bored tone.

"Why did you not tell me that? Now I know why they are always looking at us with a curious and asking face." I said also in a bored tone.

"Sorry, I don't want you to know that I'm a VP. Because I know you will change the way how you act in front on me. So please, stay what you are. Don't treat me as a VP, treat me as your real friend." he explains.

"Okay, I will not change then." I said and tapped his head.

"Thanks." he laughs. His eyes almost disappeard and I saw his cute little dimples.

We almost done eating our foods.

Me and Ericko are drinking our water. *gulp* *gulp* *gulp*

"Come on!" He gets up.

I get my bag.

We are heading to our room.





We sat in our own chair.

Our teacher in Math entered the classroom.

"Good Afternoon Sir!" we said and get up.

"Sit down. Sit down." he said.

It was 3:30pm.

He must be Sir Geometry Ramos. Woaaah! He is really destined to love math. -.- Why am I not good in math?! Why? Ugghhh. I wish my mother just named me Polygon or Cylinder! I'm sure I am also a math wizard now. :'<

I saw his name on the board. The lists of our teachers in every subject as well as the time is written on the board.

Some students are calling him Sir Geo or Sir Ram. He looks like in his 45's. He really looks old. He wears reading glasses. Many wrinkles.

He sat on a chair in the front.

"Okay class, you are all lucky I will not have my lessons as of now." he said. Checking his attendace.

"Ackerman" he started calling some surnames.

"Sir Present."




"I'm here sir."


"Sir, not here." Ericko said.

"Why?" our teacher ask.

"Busy Sir I think." he said in a loud voice so that our teacher will hear it.

"I thought so." He said.

Ford must be 'SL'. Because she's the only absent here. So I was pretty sure about it. Why are they so kind to that 'SL'. Is she really pretty? Is she totally smart? She must be. All the teachers are kind to her.

I suddenly felt so small.




"Psyche Villareal,"

"Present Sir." i said.

"Transferee?" he asked.

"Yes Sir." I said.

"Ah.. You must be." he said. Why are they can said easily that I'm a transferee here? Hmn. Is it because, my face look unfamiliar? Or does my parents have some talk with all my teachers? Maybe they just really know each student here in 10-A and my surname looks new. Or they just read my Form? Hmn. What important is, I do not have to introduce myself in every subject. -.-

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