Chapter 25: Because of me

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I headed back to my classroom.

I sat down to my chair. I noticed that my two bestfriends are not in my front.

"Hey, excuse me, may I ask you?" I asked the girl at the third row beside me.

"What?" She asked me. She looks mad at me.

"Where are my bestfriends?" I asked her politely.

"They are now transfer on the Special Section. They got bullied because of you!" she exclaimed. She really looks very mad. She's crying right now. Some students are stopping her from crying.

"Why me? What happened?" I asked them.

"Just talk to your bestfriends about it. But I think, they will not forgive you anymore." the other girl said and she rolled her eyes.

I didn't have any idea about what happened. T_T because of me?! Whyy??!! What happened?!! I will talk to them after all the class. Before I go to Ericko, I will go first to the third floor where the Special Room is located.

While the teacher is discussing I keep myself focused on their lessons. I don't let that news bother me. I don't want it to be a distraction. Fortunately, I understood all the topics.

It's 5:30. No classes. It's time to get home. But I decided to go to my bestfriends on the third floor.

While I'm on the stairs heading to the third floor, I saw some students already walking downstairs. I saw their faces, some students are wearing bandages, have some scars on their faces,arms, and necks. They really look that they experienced bullied.

I searched for my bestfriends if they passed already. I didn't saw them, maybe they are still on their room.

Before I turned at the corner I saw them. 0.0

I saw Gwen, she's wearing a bandage on her head. T.T my tears starts to fall.

I saw Rea, she didn't wear any bandage and I didn't saw any scars. She's just guiding Gwen from walking.

"Gwen.. Rea.. What happened?" I asked and hugged them.

"Stay Away from me!" Gwen exclaimed And she ran. Rea didn't chase after her.

"Please Rea, explain to me what happened." I asked her. We are crying hard.

"Do you really want to know?" He asked me in a sad tone.

"Yah." I simply said in a worried tone.

"Yesterday...." she started.

"Me and Gwen.... We decided to stroll using a motorcycle. It's midnight... Before we about to passed in our school, we saw another motorcycle chasing us... Gwen is the one who drives.. She drive fast... But... We end up on a dead end... Two persons, a boy and a girl... T-they stopped and started to walk towards to us...." She started to cry.

".... They have glass bottles in their hands... Gwen protected me... She's really brave..." She cries more.

"And I'm so weak!!!" She exclaimed and cries harder.

"They crashed the two bottles on Gwen's head... And then they left us.. I screamed... I shouted for help..... I call the president of our school, I told him the plate number of the motor and our location and about what happened.... I saw Gwen's head... It's bleeding... Bloods are running down through her face... I can't help but to cry and cry and cry!!!!" She exclaimed. she really looks mad at herself. I hugged her but she pushed me. And she started talking again.

"After a few minutes, I saw some police officers and ambulance. I saw our president too, she carries Gwen to the ambulace. He tells me to transfer to the Special Section to have a peaceful life. And I agreed. Our President tells me that the two people are already in the jail and he tells me that they are members of a Fraternity." She said and still crying.

"And You know what those criminals said before they leave us?!" She exclaims while asking me.

"W-w-what?" I stutterly asked.

"They said that if we want a peaceful life, we must stay away from you. I'm so sorry Psyche, we love you but I don't want to see one of my bestfriend suffering." She said.

"Thanks to God that she recover easily and she insist that she can already go to school. The doctor let her because it's just a simple bleeding." she said.

"So please Psyche... Stay away from me and Gwen. If you really love us." she cries.

"Okay." That's what I've just said. She turned around and ran downstairs trying to find Gwen. I sit down and cries.

I lose my bestfriends. Why am I need to lose all the important people because of me?! Why am I need to lose all the people I love. What's the reason?! Why that Fraternity are so mad at me?!

What's wrong with me? I done my best to become a great person. I think they didn't just appreciated it. There are still some people who will judge you and will try to bring you down.

Author's Note:

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