Chapter 5: Bumped

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I woke up. I saw my Nanny Anne in front of me. She's been waking me up.

"Aikee! Aikee!" I saw her face a little worried.

"Why?" i said in a sleepy tone.

"You are almost sleeping for about 15hrs!" she said in a slight loud voice.
I get up with a shock.

"Really?!" i said in a wide eyes. Oh, I remember, yesterday I was so tired. That's why i get sleep that long.

"Yes! Get dress and there are visitors downstairs." she said. I wonder if who are those. It is not my bestfriends because today is their first day of school.

"But who?" i curiously ask.

"I didn't know too. But I think, it's your dad's friend. So get dress, I know you don't want to be ugly in front of theirs. " she said and get outside my room.

I get some shower and get dress. I choose to wear a red checkered long sleeve and a black skirt and a necklace. I combed my hair and smile at myself at the mirror.

"You're so Pretty Psyche!" I said to my self. Hahaha.

It's just 5 in the morning, so I want to have some chocolate drink so that I went downstairs.

I assumed that our visitor is on my Dad's office. So that I didn't care about them.

While I'm on the stairs, I'm humming the song of BTS' Beautiful.

I turn around and start walking backward. I used to do it when I'm bored. Together with my hands on high and waving it.

"Ahhh!" i shouted and feel shocked when I'm bumped to someone. I know it's one of my Nannies.

"I'm sorry Nan-" I turned around. And see a not so Tall boy, about 5'4 in height.

"Oh, I-I-I'm Sorry." I say awkwardly. Still shocked of what I see.

"It's okay." he said in a about-to-laugh tone.

"What's funny huh?" I ask in an angry tone.

"Nothing. You are just funny to watch." He smiles at me. His eyes are almost disappeared when he smiles. How cute, and his wide smile with dimples.

"Who are you anyways? " I ask him.

"Oh, I'm son of your dad's friends. You must be Psyche." He says. I notice that we are walking and enjoying the conversation.

"How did you know my Name?" I ask.

"Well, My dad and your Dad are telling some stories about you." He said. I wonder if what it is.

"Ah, okay. I didn't much talk to strangers. Bye! " I'm about to leave when he grabs my hand causing to turn around.

"I'm Ericko Arellano. Now you know, therefore I'm not a stranger anymore." He smiles. I can't stop looking on his face, his smiles makes me smile. He shakes his hand to mine, but I'm not bothered to shakes mine. And then, he let go of my hand.

"Fine. Fine. You're not a stranger." I said and smiles at me.

"You are more Pretty when you are smiling." He said. I feel like I'm blushing so that I only look down.

"Oh! So you both already know each other? Haha!" It must be his Dad.

"Obviously.haha!" My dad said.

We both look down.

"Come on son, we need to go!" Ericko's Dad said.

"See you tomorrow on school Psyche." He says and leaves. So it looks like we are studying in a same school.

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