You Have My Heart ~A Ron Weasley Love Story~

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DISCLAIMER: This story was written almost 6 years ago, when I was only thirteen/fourteen and an illiterate human being. In addition to that, I was cliche as heck and had a horrible sense of writing, and wrote strictly in the colloquial of my area. Additionally, my facts are very off, and I never edited my chapters as I wrote them, since they were mostly written at 2a.m., so they're very, very, full of mistakes. As I, now a legal adult, am writing to you now, I can tell you I'm far too busy to edit all of these chapters, and for that reason, they will stay like this.

So, to all new readers, I'd just like to say in advance that yes, I know there's a lot of mistakes, I just don't have the time to fix them all.

~Sarah's P.O.V.~

I arrived at the "Burrow" as it was called. It was hot outside with a slight breeze, as it still was mid-August. I ran towards the building, battered and bloody. I was told to Apparate to get here by that man. I never learned his name, but he was tall, had curly black hair, and light blue eyes. He was one of them, a Death Eater. He said this would be the safest place for me to be, and he will see me in the future. I don't know if it was a good idea to trust him, but I figured at that point it couldn't get any worse.

I stumbled onto the porch of the tall, crooked house, and hesitantly knocked on the door, almost unconscious. I fell to the floor, hoping that someone would answer. I knocked again without an answer. I figured everyone was at the top floor, so I wiped my right index finger over the gash on my leg, and used my blood to write "S.O.S." on my hand. Before I knew it, everything went black.

"She awake yet Mum?" I heard a young girl ask.

"Not yet Ginny, dear. Now keep quiet, and tell your father to call Professor Dumbledore." a woman replied.

I slowly opened my eyes, and realized I was lying on a couch, in which I presume was the tall, lanky house.

"Oh dear, your awake." said a woman. She was plump with red hair, and wearing an apron. I'm guessing she's a mother.

"Y-yes" I said quietly.

"Boys! Ginny! Hermione! Get down here! The young lady has awoken!" she said. "My name is Molly Weasley. You arrived on my door step about an hour ago. Any idea how you got here, deary?" she asked.

Before I could answer, a whole family of red heads appeared along with a boy and a girl.

"Oh good your here. This is Arthur, my husband; these are Fred and George, their older brother Percy, Ginny, my only daughter and youngest child, and my youngest son, Ron. And these are Ron's friends, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter," she said pointing to everybody.

Mr. Weasley came up to me and held out his hand. I jumped slightly, fearing he would hit me.

"Nice to meet you. And you are?" he said nicely. He, like his children, had red hair, but was tall and slightly chubby, with a warm personality.

I gulped. I didn't know if I could even talk. "S-Sarah R-R-Richards" I stammered out. I sat up. Mrs. Weasley placed a hand on my forehead to check to see if I had a temperature.

"Now Sarah, how did you arrive here at the Burrow? Not many people just end up on our doorstep with "S.O.S." written on there hand." said Percy. His mother glared at him. He had curly red hair, was tall, and seemed very serious compared to the rest of his family. I tried to remember what had happened. I then began my story....


I woke up in the dark dungeon of Malfoy Manor. The light from the very small barred window burned my eyes. From the brightness of the sun I could tell it was about 6:45. Any minute now Master Malfoy would come and summon me to the work the Dark Lord wants me to do. I looked down at my hands, my fingernails all broken from trying to pick the lock on the dungeon door.

"SLAVE! WHY ARE YOU NOT UP YET!" called a voice, who I believe to be Madame Lestrange. I stood up and fixed my worn out sweatpants and baggy t-shirt. I pulled back my dirt filled blonde hair behind my ear and walked up to the door. It opened and Wormtail pulled me out of the dungeon.

"Bellatrix is summoning you in the study." he said with a smirk, showing his yellowed teeth. I nodded and went to the study.

She smirked when she saw me there. "Why hello there filth." she started. "I need you to go upstairs and take a shower, and put on this." she said while handing me a short, strapless black dress and heels. "Make yourself presentable, I have plans for you." She smiled evilly at me. I had a feeling of what was coming, and she practically read my mine.

"My adorable little nephew and you will be having a fun time, well at least he will be. He doesn't know about it yet, so don't ruin the surprise for him if you see him about the Manor." I gulped.

Yep, I was right. "And don't try anything; someone will be waiting outside the door. I nodded and right when I walked out, I was in the grasp of one of his followers, and we began to walk.

"Stay quiet, got it?" he said in a firm whisper. I nodded, I was scared. I looked up and noticed his features. Although he was wearing a Death Eater mask, I noticed his curly black hair and his light blue eyes. He was strangely kind, in a way. He didn't hold my wrist tightly, and wasn't pulling me along.

Once we got up the stairs to a quiet corridor he knelt down beside me and said, "Listen to me, and listen to me good. I want you to Apparate out of here," he started.

"I-I can't. They put the lock on me" I said pointing to a silver bracelet around my ankle. He smirked, held up his wand, and removed the lock.

"Now you can. Ok, so Apparate out of here, and think of 'Burrow'. It's the safest place for you to be, you hear me? We will meet again, so be safe." he said. And with that, he Dissapparated somewhere.

I don't know where, but he was gone. So I did what I was told and Apparated to wherever the Burrow was.


"Wait, how could you Apparate? You don't look 17 yet." questioned Hermione.

"Uh, yeah. I-I uh can, somehow. You see, I uh, learned how to from my Mum and Dad. My real Mum and Dad. I was uh," I swallowed. "Kidnapped when I was 14" I stammered out.

~Ron's P.O.V. ~

Whoa. Why would anyone want to hurt her? She's seems so sweet. She is also very pretty, might I add. She has blonde hair, and amazing blue eyes with flawless skin and perfectly rosy lips. She's very, very beautiful.

"So uh, how old are you?" I asked.

"Fifteen," she replied in almost a whisper.

"So are we!" I said, pointing to myself, Harry, and Hermione.

"That's cool." she said very sweetly and smiled at me. Gosh, she's gorgeous when she smiles. I felt my face getting slightly red.

"So you don't go to school anywhere?" asked Harry.

"No, but I did get home-schooled by my Mum while my Dad worked, but then after the Death Eaters killed them," she said looking down, "I was taken by them" she finished. Them meaning Death Eaters. Just then a figure appeared in the living room.

"Although, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is always welcoming new students." said Professor Dumbledore, smiling at Sarah.

"Where?" Sarah asked shyly.

"A place where everyone is accepted and you can never be wrong. A place where someone will always be there to help you in your most desperate times" he replied.

She smiled sweetly. "That sounds, amazing."


No Copyright Infringement Intended. All characters belong to JK Rowling with the exception of Sarah Richards.

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