Part 45- Lost Connection?

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Part: 45~ Lost Connection?

Geet extends out her hand and says, "Hello".

Yash just looked at her not being able to believe who was standing right in front of his very own eyes. It had been years since he last saw her. She looked so different and there was a different spark and twinkle inside her eyes.

Geet a little hurt and offended brings her hand back. Mr.Chopra didn't understand his odd behavior either.

But he finally broke the icy situation by asking, "tumne mujhe pehchana nahi..."


Geet looked on confused . . .

I don't blame you... lekin I will say one thing, how did you lose so much weight laddoo?"

Geet almost gasps and her eyes widen not being able to believe her ears or eyes. Her drink in her hand slips from her fingers and glass pieces splatter all over the floor. "Romeo...." she emotionally mutters.

He nods for a yes... one tear falls out of her left eye and then the right eye, but her face still had the shocked expression.

He wipes her tears away with his fingers and nods his head for a "no.... I am sorry.... I am so sorry laddoo" he says before embracing her in a tight hug.

Again silence filled the air. People were like is this a love triangle, who is the third guy?

Maan had witnessed everything from the point he asked her ladoo. He whispers "Romeo" and looks over to him who was wiping away his Geet's tears and then "laddoo" who was hugging this person with so much love and concern. He looks away disgusted, he couldn't bare Geet in anyone else's arms. They already had nicknames for each other too.

Oh poor Mr. Chopra, he was stuck in the middle again not knowing what to do. He sees Maan and calls him over. "Mr. Khurana why don't you join us."

He walks over close to Geet's side as if trying to make a statement to Yash. Geet was kind of surprised by his actions, but didn't say anything not as if she mined at all.

" Oh Mr.Khurana it is nice to finally meet you and work with you as well" Yash says stretching out his hand.

Maan just gives him a silent look, but then finally does extend his hand. Yash felt some strange hold in his hand, but he brushes it off.

Mr. Chopra: Okay I will leave you guys to catch up. I need to see some other people.

Maan: So "Mr. Romeo" it looks like you already know "Miss Laddoo" here.

Yash started to laugh, which Maan didn't get. He didn't say anything funny for him to be laughing like that.

Geet was smiling now too at Maan's comment.

Maan: Did I say something funny?

Yash: This girl you see in front of you is not any ordinary girl. Who ever has her in their life is a very lucky person. When you are by her side you unknowingly have a smile on your face. Take it from someone who knows.

Geet weakly chuckles at Romeo, " That Geet you knew is dead Romeo"

" My presence tends to torment people now" she says looking at Maan with pain in her eyes.

She looks back at Romeo with both pain and anger and says, "but how would you know when you left us...left me!"

She runs away as her past memories start to resurface again. Yash excuses himself from Maan and starts to follow after Geet. Maan just stood there with many emotions going through him at once. Who was this "Romeo" in Geet's life?

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