Part 65: The Revenge

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Part 65: The Revenge


He presses on the breaks the car wheels shreaking as it came to a rough stop. His head hits the steering wheel hard. Their was tears of anger for Sameera as well as for just thinking about the pain that he would have to put his brother through. But he had to, if Maan knew why he would be doing this then he wouldn't object, in fact he would be proud of him, except he wouldn't know. Sameera was a monster that couldn't be trusted.

Vicky takes his step out of the car and towards the house.


Geet was struggling against the ropes that had her tied up. She had to get out of here. She wasn't going to let Sameera get in the way of tearing her family apart. She did it once, and made her lose everything, but not this time. Her hand was bleeding from the burns she was giving herself trying to escape from the grip of the ropes, but that didn't make her flinch once. She had red blood shot eyes of determination to break free. This was the only opportunity she had, as she was alone. Sameera had gone somewhere maybe to prepare for the soon-to-be-destruction in her family and this was her only chance of escape.

Just then she hears the creaking noise of the door. She stops her struggle and shakes her body a little trying to get the ends of her dupatta to cover her red hands. Seeing whom it was her whole being filled with disgust. She moves the gaze of her eyes and faces the other way.

The sound of his foot steps were getting louder as the person continued to approach towards her.

"This was never a part of the plan" the person bends down in front of her and reaches for her chin to bring her gaze toward him.

"DON'T YOU TOUCH ME!" Geet shouted as loudly as she could, having a mixture of fear, anger and disgust.

"Sorry sweet heart that I can't do. Lene tujhe oh gori, aayenge tere sajna.." he winks at her.

"If you leave with anything, it will be only my dead body!" she lashes out.

"I know you are really mad at me for taking so long to come and get you, but I am here now and I know exactly how to make it up to you. I- " he couldn't even finish his sentence when Geet interrupts him.

"I.HATE.YOU!" she says emphasizing each word as if saying three sentences.

"I belong to Maan. Samjhe tum!"
("I belong to Maan. Better understand that!")

"Listen here Miss GEET HANDA" He yanks her from the base of her hair and pulls her closer while Geet yelps.

"If it wasn't for Sameera I would have finished him off already then you would have no choice but to be mine! You know what? Screw this 'being-all-nice-with-you' bullshit! No more Mr. Nice guy! Now you will be responsible for the consequences Geet..." Dev angrily spats out.

"NO! Please Dev. I will do whatever you say. Just leave Maan out of this" she cries and pleads.

"Now that's like a good girl. Now stop crying please. Sorry for yanking your hair sweetheart, but I can't bear hearing his name from your lips" he says grinding his teeth with anger.

"Those lips were mine first and always will be" he softly whispers inching closer toward her face.

"Please, don't" she pleads her tears spilling from her eyes.

Dev gets up and kicks a stool that was lying down on the ground.

"I AM NOT YOUR ENEMY GEET!" he yells out of frustration.
It pinched his heart too, to see that the one he loves despises him and fears his presence. Is she just an obsession for him or is he really feeling the pain of Love? He himself didn't understand. But one thing he knew for sure, he couldn't imagine himself without Geet, who was no more his, who had already removed him from his life and had written Maan in her destiny...

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