Part 35 A- Truth comes out

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Part 35 A: Truth comes out

Geet had called Meera and she had gotten off work early. Together they both shopped and had developed a close bond in just a few hours. It was 9:00 at night and there was still no call from maan. Geet and Meera had finished picking their outfits out and decided to eat since they were famished.

Meera: Geet are you sure we should wear these outfits tonight. I mean aren't they a bit too much. We don't even know where we are going?

Geet: Don't worry so much. Just for tonight set yourself free. I haven't had fun in such a long time and I am going to tonight. Just for tonight I am going to unleash the side of me that I have been holding back that I have missed. I am going to live in the moment tonight and not worry about anything else.

" You know what you are totally right. There won't be no more holding back at least not for tonight" she replies with a smirk and with the same enthusiasm.


Maan had texted Vicky to get ready because they were going to hang out tonight.

He put on an Armani exchange black see-through t-shirt with denim jeans on. Vicky decided to wear an Armani exchange white v-neck shirt with denim jeans as well. Both their looks made them look like sexy bachelors where with just one look at them would make you lose your breath.

Vicky was heading toward the car, when maan calls out " Vicky this way".

Maan then hits the switch and the garage opens exposing the black and red motorcycles that were standing next to each other.

Vicky: No way!

Maan: Just like old times.

Vicky: You can't be serious! We are going with these babies!

"No you can only admire it " maan says sarcastically.

Vicky all of a sudden loses his smile and then maan starts laughing.

"Not fair bro..not fair at all" Vicky chuckles back.

Vicky: So bhai is geet going to ride with you? Where is she anyways?

Maan: No she is meeting us there I just texted her the address so she might even get there before us.

Vicky: So where are we going exactly?

" You will see soon enough for yourself" he says with a smirk.

Vicky to himself: Bro you have no idea how happy you have made me tonight. I feel like tonight I will see my old brother in action. I missed you a lot bro.


As Geet and Meera got out of the car they stepped out onto the sand. They looked up and they had reached a private beach house ( just pretend there is one for this story plzzz...) People were partying outside along the shore.

Meera: Wow what a great way to have fun under the moonlight against the water shore. Maan sure does know how to throw a party!

Geet: You took the words right out of my mouth. Who knew maan was into this stuff.

Meera: Well I am so happy our outfits are perfect for the occasion.

"Told you not to worry. Now are we just going to stand here and talk about it or go enjoy" geet says with a grin.

As they mingled into the crowd so many heads turned to their direction. Their beauty had left so many men breathless. Their mysteriousness exemplified their beauty that illuminated under the moonlight. Nobody knew who they were, but so many wanted to desperately find out.

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