Part 34~Putting the pieces together

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"Okay now it is my turn to talk so listen to one last thing from me. The reason that you haven't fallen in love again is because you are still in love with the same person.
You haven't been able to forget her. I bet you this song you just sang was what your heart felt for that girl! What your heart was trying to express to her! You said your situation is different and this is the reason why. Good night to you too and remember what I said!", geet says with a smirk before leaving to her room and leaving Vicky flabbergasted again.

Every time he tries to help maan or geet the tables get turned on him. "You are still in love with the same person" continued to echo in his head.


Part 34:- Putting the pieces together
"Beep beep beep" maan's alarm on his phone kept ringing, but not even the loud noise of that could wake maan up.

Geet had just taken a shower and was walking in the hallway when she heard this annoying noise buzzing through the air. She follows the noise and ends up in maan's room.
She knocks but he was still asleep. She decides to walk in getting a little worried now.

As she walks into his room she was kind of shocked. There were rose petals everywhere as if they were picked off their stems. Only "red" rose petals.

She finally reaches maan's bed and sees him innocently sleeping. She wondered how he could still be asleep through the loud alarm.
As she goes to turn the alarm coming from his phone off, she notices Rahul's necklace beside it. She turns off the alarm without even looking at it and holds the necklace in eye view and lets it twist around.
She was so confused. How did the necklace end up with maan? As she turns to leave she slips on an alcohol bottle.
She tries not to fall on him and tries to hold her self in place by placing both her arms around maan's torso as if entrapping him between her arms. But still her lips fall right against his cheek, leaving its lipstick mark.

Maan's eyes drowsily open and gets locked with geet's eyes. Geet tries to run away, but maan holds on to her hand.

Maan: how many times will you try to run from me?

"choro mujhe maan", she says to maan as she twists her hand trying to break free.

Geet: you are not in your right state of mind or else you wouldn't be saying this. How much did you drink", she says as if starts to look over the number of bottles that were scattered around the floor.

Maan looks over his room and sees the scattered rose petals and empty bottles of alcohol around the floor.

"I was drinking'but why? And why are rose petals everywhere?" What happened in here?" maan asked confused.

As geet took in the alcohol and rose petals her thoughts started to run wild. She felt her face getting hotter as the thought of maan spending the night with a girl crossed her mind.

Her face expression changed from disgust to jealousy to hurt. Even though she was trying to push maan away from herself she couldn't help but feel jealous and hurt with the thought of maan spending a night with another girl.

Geet only could mutter " chee". Maan watched the changes in geet's expressions.

Maan: kya huwa geet? Why are you looking at me like that?

"You put on an innocent face. Why don't you just say you spent the night with a girl", hurt geet blurts out.

Maan: Kya! Maan was angry but he couldn't really justify if he did or not because he had no memory of what happened last night.

All he could manage to retort back was " Even if I did why would you care? I thought you didn't want me to touch you anymore. Are you jealous maybe that is why you are here to check up on me early this morning."

Geet gasps hearing these words. Before he could say anymore geet gets up to leave. She couldn't stand the atmosphere or situation she was in. She was hurt and needed to escape.

Before leaving her voice cracks but she manages to tell him, " I just came here to turn the alarm on your phone off".

Maan was so confused, "what alarm?" He grabs his phone and checks it out and notices that the alarm was a reminder that Geet had an appointment with Meera in 45 minutes.

Maan: damn! I forgot. He gets up to freshen up but as he goes to the bathroom he notices a lipstick mark on his cheek.

Maan looked more closely in the mirror and got even more confused.

What happened last night? Did I really spend a night with a girl or did geet give me a kiss as she was on me in the morning.

He slams his hand in frustration. How could he even think that geet would kiss him. She doesn't even want his shadow near her, but if geet didn't do it than who did?
And why were those rose petals everywhere?
He hated flowers but they were scattered all around his floor and that too the color "red". Kyun?

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