Part 20~Geet's Journal

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Maan quickly just throws the journal to the side as it brought back memories of his pain and suffering.

Maan: I don't want to relive my pain.  I don't. (maan whispers with pain in his voice).

But geet what happened to you?


Part 20~ "Geet's Journal"

Maan is looking out the window letting the fresh air calm his mind and soul. But still the image of cheerful geet and the lines written in blood kept popping into his head.

"This Geet in this picture died because of you!"

Who brought you to this state of hopelessness geet! WHO???

Maan hits the wall with anger.  He couldn't see geet in pain and he wanted to know more about what happened to geet.

Maan looks over his shoulder to where the battered journal laid on the floor. He knew that the answers to his questions were probably in that journal but he didn't want to go through that book for two reasons.

First it was not right. It is geet's privacy and he can't just go through someone's private journal without asking.

Secondly, he was afraid of what was written in there. He was scared of reliving the pain through geet's eyes if there was more pain involved.

But Maan deliberated and thought that he wants to help geet and in order to do so he has to find out the source and cause of her condition, which is probably in that journal.  So it is not so bad to look through her journal since he is doing it for a good cause he thought.

Maan slowly walks up to the journal and his hand even shakes a little as he bends towards it to pick it up.

He finally picks it back up and sits on a chair.  He takes in a deep breath and embraces himself for whatever is in store in this journal.

Maan opens the journal to the first page which states, " How love changed my life" , but the word "changed" was crossed out again with blood and instead the word "ruined" was written on top.

So the first page read, "How love ruined my life!"

Maan takes another deep breath and dives into the journals, which were filled with poems.

(Readers Please read the poems especially the few notes I wrote after them or else you may be confused on what is written in the journal and what maan finds out).

First poem was called

              "What Love Is"

It is Love that gives me purpose

to change and grow and learn.

It is Love that guides me on this path

and helps me choose each turn.

It is Love that gives me courage

to stand against my fears;

to open up my heart to you,

to let you see my tears.

It is Love that gives me trust and hope

when little thing go wrong.

When distance stands between us,

it is Love that keeps me strong.

It is Love that offers harmony

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