Part 67-Run Away Bride

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Part 67- Run Away Bride

"Good bye and Good riddens!" she clenches her teeth in hatred placing the gun back towards the side of Geet's head to make it look like suicide.
Geet just closes her eyes and lastly murmurs, "I love you Maan" when the gun shot blows and the lights black out!

"So this is what heaven must feel like", Geet murmered to herself. There was no pain no anguish. But she was waiting for the light. Everything was so dark. She wanted to meet her Almighty, her Babaji. She had no complains even if her life was shortened. She just had one request to give Maan the patience to get over the grief of losing her.

"GEET" she heard a scream, and her eyes shoot open.

"I'm alive" she breathed out in a frenzy, looking at how her clothes were all soaked up in blood.

"aaahhh..." she heard a scream and the gun fell on the floor.

She looked up and couldn't understand, as if her brain short-circuited and needed to be rebooted. Around her, everything was in fast-forward while she was motionless in the middle of it all.

"Dev" Geet murmers in utter shock.

Sameera turns around and couldn't believe her eyes, "You....You Shot me?" she utters waiting for someone to pinch her awake from this nightmare.

"YOU SHOT YOUR OWN SISTER YOU COWARD!" she screamed as a tear trailed down her cheeks.

Dev didn't even look at her and Maan starts running towards Geet, "Geet! I am here Geet. I won't let anything happen to you. I love you so much. You don't know what was going through my mind" his voice was cracking in pain as he opened the ropes around and engulfed her in a hug.

"Vicky...Maan...Vicky" she hesitated as the sobs wanted to rip out of her throat, making it real hard for her to even formulate a sentence.

"Shhh. The moment I looked into Vicky's eyes I knew he was lying to me. He could never to this to me. He is my brother Geet. And I knew you could never do this to me! I was just going along with the act because Dev was there. He is okay. Meera is with him as I beat him up a little too much" he says comforting her.

Sameera looked on completely flabbergasted. He had never fallen for the plan. She looked menacingly towards Geet.

"I love you Maan. I love you so much" she smiles through her tears as she hugs him even tighter.

"I love you too Geet. Now let's go, it's time to go home."

Geet and Maan reach the door where Dev was standing. All of a sudden Geet stops in her tracks and moves her pain stricken glance towards him while Dev didn't even bother to look at her direction.

Sameera starts to laugh.

"Wah! What a happy ending Dev!" she continues to laugh her creepy and menacing laugh.

"You shot me for HER!!! Look how she is going to just walk away from you! LOOK you Betrayer!!" She said still with anger spitting out of her eyes.

"Just leave Geet!" He harshly says without even looking at her.

Geet was taken aback with his sudden ruthless tone.

"And to think I actually got my best friend back. Such a shame!" Geet snaps back at him.

"Whatever Geet. Save your breath." he says rolling her eyes, while inside it pained him for losing her once more.

"hmmm.... Looks like Maan taught you a good lesson" she says eyeing his black and blue body.

"I had told you it was too late. You couldn't even break our bond because we have something called TRUST for each other, something you didn't!" Geet continued.

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