Part 23~Too Much To Handle

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But the image that maan sees, he almost wished he was dead before seeing such a scene.

On the walls of the room "Thank you for everything you have done and I am sorry for being a burden in your life Mr. K" was written all over in blood and geet layed on the ground with a huge gash in her arm.


Oh my god.  Someone help me plz'.help me.


Part:23- Too Much To Handle

Vicky is swerving past every car going into the wrong lane and receiving so many curses and honks from people but he didn't care. He had to get geet to the hospital.

Maan: Vicky can't you go any faster? i am loosing her.

Vicky: Bro if I go any faster than this than all of us will be dead.

Maan: I can't believe she did this. How could she do this to herself. especially over me?

Vicky: She appreciates what you have done to her. She is alone in this world and actually seeing a person like you helping her she wanted to show her appreciation.

Some relationships are hidden but go beyond meaning

Maan: I don't have time for riddles Vicky, but she didn't have to kill herself in order to get even with me saving her life.

Vicky just sighs.. even now maan still doesn't realize his hidden love for geet.

Vicky suddenly hits the breaks and the car comes to a stop. Maan just gets out of the car with blood all over his shirt and face, he just carries geet to the hospital and starts screaming for the doctor.

Maan: Doctor!!!! Doctor please save her.Doctor!!!

Doctor comes running out to see what all the commotion was all about.

But once she see's maan's bloodied up clothes and face and geet's situation she gets frightened.

Doctor: Oh my God! This is a police case. We have to wait until the police arrive before I can do anything.

Maan: What nonsense. Do you know who I am?

I am Maan Singh Khurana.If anything happens to her I will not only make sure you get fired but that you will never ever get a job of a doctor again!

Meera: Is she your wife?

Oh my god. Maan can't believe what ridiculous questions she was asking.

Maan: Ha hai. She is my wife! Now will you go and save her life.

That is when Vicky comes in and becomes shocked.

Vicky: Meera??

Meera: Vicky???? Is he with you?

Vicky: Yeah he is my brother...but why are you asking questions why aren't you saving geet?

Meera: Uhhh yea..nurse!

Nurse: Yes lets take the patient she looks in critical condition and seems to have gotten a huge cut to the left arm.

The nurse brings in a gurney to place geet in and maan gently places her on that.

Maan tries to go inside the room with geet, but then gets stopped.

Meera: Hold it there Mr.Khurana.. You have to stay out here while we get things straightened out.

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