Part 29~Naughtiness Personified

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Geet: that is not funny.

Maan: yes it is-wait until I tell Vicky. Geet: oh no you are not telling him. If you do I won't here the end of it. Maan: My point exactly "Maaan" geet says in a whiny voice.
Part:29~Naughtiness personified
Vicky was at a bar sitting and drinking away his pain.Vicky came here quite often. Drinking, dancing, and having fun with many girls. Every girl knew him there, knew that he would just use them for a night and it would be over the next day, but still some of them didn't mind as long as they could get one night with a Khurana brother. It was more of a dream to them, even if it was only for a couple hours. He was a player at night, but during the day he was chirpy and funny. Laughing helped prove to him that he was happy without Meera. This was the way Vicky hid his pain that Meera had given him and revived again after meeting her again after all these years. In order to show that he didn't show that he is not affected by what Meera did he has become a bigger player than he once was. Her words still burned his heart today. There is a reason why he hates valentine's day. He never forgot that valentine's day no matter how much he has tried. ************************
Vicky was really excited for tonight's school dance for valentine's day. It had a masquerade theme and Vicky wanted to express and tell meera the feelings he had for her. He went and bought a brand new tux just for the occasion. For the first time he was nervous. Yes Vicky was nervous. He didn't know how to tell her, which was never a problem for him before. Except this time it was different.

Meera meant a lot to him and has dug a special place in his heart, which no other girl had done before.
He thought to himself,"maybe this is the effect of true love". Vicky heads over to the school dance and all his eyes were doing were trying to spot her. He thought it would be easy since she would probably be wearing an Indian outfit except an hour had passed and he still hadn't spotted her. A lot of girls were trying to catch Vicky's attention, but he didn't even notice them at all.

Vicky's friend: Vicky you are so lucky man. Look so many hot girls in the school are checking you out and some even signaling at you.
Vicky was absorbed in his thoughts just imagining himself with meera in his arms. His friend had to shove him in order to get his attention.
Vicky's friend " Alex" : What is wrong with you? We are at a dance party and you are lost somewhere else. All of a sudden the lights get really dimmed and a white spotlight gets shunned onto the stairs. Many people start to complain but then all of a sudden they stop as their mouths couldn't find the words to say anything anymore'all the boys hearts were beating hard against their dates, and even the girls started to feel jealous as a girl almost in a princess like dress with a mask on her face came down the steps.
The girl was getting really nervous with all the attention she was getting as she walked down the steps. Everybody wanted to know who this girl was she didn't look familiar at all and the mask covering half her face was making it even harder. While everyone kept on whispering to each other trying to figure out who this mysterious gorgeous girl was, Vicky had already recognized her.

Vicky to himself: Meera! Vicky never knew how beautiful Meera was until tonight.
He had fallen in love with her simple look, but tonight Meera' s beauty had made him fall in love all over again.

Meera just walked over to Vicky and said, "hey"! Alex just wanted to faint, "damn man you always get the girls!", he whined. All the boys were jealous of Vicky and even the girls were jealous of her beauty and how their dates were drooling over her. The lights get brighter again and a slow love song starts to play in the background. Everybody tried to go and enjoy the party, but it had become very hard now after such a dramatic entrance.

Vicky closes in on Meera and whispers in her ear: I know it is you Meera and so would the most gorgeous girl in the school like to dance with me tonight?

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