Part 39- Separating Ways

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Part 39: Separating ways

"chup bilkul chup" he rushes and covers her mouth. " You think I regret saving you? because of you I.." he stops mid sentence. What was he doing? If he described how she has changed his life and brought his smile back than that would not help his pretense of not liking her.
Geet to herself: Maan unwillingly you answered my do love me...The pain on you face says it all.
" You don't know anything geet" he says pushing her away and looking the other way.
" You are wrong Maan..I know exactly how to play this game without you even knowing that I am playing yet" she says to herself with a smirk.

Part 39: Separating ways

She goes and sits at the end of the motorcycle and presses on the gear. The roar of the motorcycle catches maan attention. He turns around seeing geet already sitting on the motorcycle.
Geet: The last thing I need is for you to be worried for chalein?
Maan cringes in pain from geet's harsh words. Except he knew he deserved it. What else did he expect to receive after rejecting her..after pushing her away from him. He hides his pain and goes and sits in front of the motorcycle.
Maan could feel geet slowly inching away from him as if not even to make any skin contact. He didn't say anything, just his grip on the motorcycle got tighter. He couldn't stand geet hating him so much. Little did he know that it is just the beginning . . . the beginning of realizing the consequences of this decision of his.

Maan lifts his feet up from the ground and onto the motorcycle and speeds away. Geet held the side of the motorcycle with her hands in order not to fall. She felt really awkward doing this. She had to control herself because her whole body ached to hold on to Maan's waist except she was going to get him to come to her now. She wanted him to find out how important she was in his life. . . .there would be no pleading, begging, or dying.

She was tired of men and her feelings for them ruling and leading her life. It was her life and she was going to live it her way now. She snaps out of her thoughts when she loses her grip as the speed of the motorcycle becomes really rapid. But as always a muscular and toned arm grabs her with his left hand and pulls her toward him entrapping her to the side of his body.

He hits the breaks and she again comes slamming into him. This time her lips brushing against the side of his neck. It took all of maan's strength not to melt within her sensuous touch. Geet slowly looks up and finds herself lost into his brown alluring eyes. Their eyes geet locked, both forgetting where they are, which to mention was in the middle of the road on a motorcycle, but not even that could stop them from adoring each other.

A car whizzes past them and honks at them causing them to both snap out of their trance. Maan trying to get out of the awkward situation starts the motorcycle again. This time he grabs both of Geet's hands and puts it around his waist and without giving any explanations or looking at her he speeds away.

Maan felt her adjusting herself closer and clinching tighter on his shirt. He unknowingly had a smile on his lips and just sped away more as if flying with the wind.

The motorcycle comes to a halt as they finally reach the outhouse. Geet couldn't get herself to let go of Maan knowing that she doesn't even know the next time she would get to feel him.

" Geet we are here" he says half-heartedly. He slowly untwines her soft fingers against his chest, the same hands which he had put around himself and now is moving them away from himself. He gets off the motorcycle as quickly as he could and leaves trying to hide his pain. Geet just looked at her hands that now felt empty without his touch.

********************************************************She packs her bags and as she slowly makes her way down to the door, only memories of her and maan resurface in her mind. When she passes the plant, she gets a flashback of how maan helps unhooks her dupatta. As she goes down the stairs her eyes fall on the kitchen, which resurfaces the memory of their chocolate fight, naughtiness, and how close they had gotten that night. She winces in pain and a tear rolls down her eyes. As she is about to step out of the house she snaps hearing maan's voice calling her "Geet ".

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