Part 35 B~ Dil Laga Na

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Part 35 B- "Dil Laga Na"


The pleasure is all mine. Now if this beautiful lady's ankle is not hurting too much would she accompany me to one dance?

Geet knew maan's eyes were on her and therefore said, " you may" she flashes a smile to him.

They walk right past maan leaving him boiling in jealousy and anger.

He watches geet dance and move her hips with the beat of the music with a complete stranger and he just thought, " Two can play at that game".


Part 35 B- "Dil Laga Na"

Vicky and Meera spoke and caught up on so many things. But they also saw the interaction between maan and geet. They saw the jealousy burning in maan's eyes.

Vicky: Time to get revenge and win my bet.

Meera: what bet?

Vicky: You will soon see enough.

He goes and gets a strong mixed alcohol drink.

They both walk over to maan and Vicky says, " Bro we both like to thank you for forcing us to talk and getting us back together so here is a drink to show my gratitude to you".

Maan: Don't mention it. You are my little brother after all.

He takes the drink and before drinking it says,"just what I needed". He glimpses over to geet and chugs it down all in one go.

Meera and Vicky leave. Vicky whispers to Meera's ears,

" anger and jealousy mixed with a lot of alcohol equals dangerous combination and no holding back. Let's see how maan controls his feelings for geet now" he chuckles a little.

Maan's eyes didn't leave geet for one second. He saw how she was enjoying her time dancing and laughing with raj. Maan goes toward the bar tender and asked for another drink. He doesn't notice but he sat right next to a woman at the counter. He chugs the drink down again and asks for another.
The woman named Pari asks, " A lonely sexy guy like you should be enjoying himself with women, but instead is drinking away his pain. kyun?"

Maan knew using her would be wrong, but he was desperate. "maybe if I had a girl like you by my side I wouldn't need the alcohol ".

Pari couldn't believe her ears. She knew if she didn't sound so desperate like those other girls who were crazy for Maan Singh Khurana she may have a chance with him and her planned worked. She was on cloud nine and couldn't believe her luck. It was really hard to hold her excitement but she did. "Mr. Dreamy I thought you would never ask".

Maan gives a grin and grabs another drink and heads toward the dance floor.

Geet: oh so he wants to play hard, well I am just going to play harder.

Geet thought that she was going to win the challenge with a little more push. She asks raj to help her take off her jacket, as she was getting hot. Raj tried to control, but failed miserably and his eyes could not stop but explore her body curves. Geet wore a blue top, which now exposed her arms and even midriff.

Not even maan could control were his thoughts were going as he saw her hourglass and sexy figure. He winced away in pain as he saw Raj putting his arms around her exposed waist and swaying with her to the left and right making it the final blow for maan.

Maan chugs the alcohol down again and then suddenly throws the empty alcohol glass on the floor. Everybody's attention falls on him and it gets quiet. Even geet was shocked and surprised.

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