Part 40-Let the game begin!

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Part: 40~ Let the game begin!

Geet manages to find a small apartment for rent that day. She didn't consider herself luck enough to get a place in such short notice, but she did, before nightfall.
As she takes her first step in, Goosebumps and chills of loneliness start to creep inside her. She brushes it aside and tells herself that this loneliness would only be for a little while. She slowly tries to make her new place feel like home.
She opens up her suitcase to unpack and puts her clothes in her closet. When she was almost done unpacking her eyes fall on his picture.

She had taken it from the outhouse. Maybe Maan didn't want to remember her, but after surrendering her heart to him last night she couldn't imagine a day without him. He was her life now. She slowly caressed his face and thought to herself, " I miss you Maan, you can't kick me out of your life that easily . . . at least not without a fight. I will be back!" she says with sheer determination and gleam in her eyes. She lies on the bed holding Maan's picture close to her heart before drowsing away to sleep.


Next morning geet was up bright and early and was sipping on some coffee looking out her window and just pondering on what to do next how to win this game. After a while her eyes glisten and a smile starts to creep on her face as a mischievous idea pops inside her head.

Geet: Although I wanted to start my main plan tomorrow, I don't want today to go to waste. So lets have some fun today!

She hurriedly gets dressed and even puts some things in her bag before leaving her place as if she was on some sort of secret mission.


Maan to get his mind busy from the recent events in his personal life came to work to engross his thoughts in as much work as possible so no other memories or a particular person could be able to wiggle their way into his mind.

He was deep in thought as he was reading through on some big client's project who was coming from London for a meeting today. Even though it was lunchtime now and most of the employees were on their lunch break, Maan was still focusing on his work and flipping through files.

A particular person was observing him through the window. She hadn't seen him in one whole day, but to her it felt like eternity. She noticed the dark circles around his eyes and the crease on his forehead, which he probably had for the anger that was still displayed on his face. Geet could not understand why Maan was distancing himself from her, but could feel his fury and anxiousness and just wished he realized the reason why and accept it too.

But then she snapped out of her emotional thoughts and reassured herself, " That is why I am here- hai na!" she says with a wicked smile and decides to make her move. She thanked the heavens that everybody was mostly on their lunch break. She felt even God was on her side and was giving her an advantage to win this game.

She finally makes her move and lightly knocks on the glass window. She had butterflies in her stomach and was getting anxious even at the thought of her losing control once her eyes met his. Except Maan didn't even notice her knock so she tries a little bit harder this time and that is when Maan's eyes fall on her and catches her brown almond shaped eyes. Seeing him looking at her like that almost knocked the breath out of her. Oh how she longed to be in those muscular toned arms and feel his sensuous touch. He looked so handsome in his office attire something she hadn't seen in almost a week and had missed dearly.

She snaps out of her thoughts and focuses on her plan. She could feel her cheeks getting hotter and turning pink at the mere thought of what she was about to do, but she goes ahead with it anyways. She sensuously and seductively bites her lip and starts to slowly unzip her jacket.

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