Part 66: A Sacrifice

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Part: 67: A Sacrifice


Just then a huge banging of a door bursting open was heard.

"Yeh lo! Aagaya Mr. Maan Singh Khurana. Ab ayega mazaa!" he says taking out his Iphone.

(Oh! Here came Mr. Maan Singh Khurana! Now the fun begins!)





He smirked at Vicky and left the room.

Dev sees Maan in the corridor walking, and comes rushing down and it seemed as if he was talking on the phone very seriously & loudly, "I don't care. I want you to search every inch and corner of this city. I want her found before night falls, otherwise I know how to deal with you!" and then cuts the phone.

Maan just looked on confused.

Dev looks up and sees its Maan, "Oh Maan, hey! Any luck in finding her? I just found out that she was missing. I am so sorry. Don't worry I got some people and they are on the look out right now to find her." he says feigning concern and sympathy.

He didn't even respond. He just blankly walked passed him as if he didn't exist. He felt so empty and lost as he slowly walked up the stairs. He didn't know where else to search and hated himself at the moment for letting something like this take place. He should've never left for the meeting. If anything happened to her, he would never forgive himself.

"Ghar Aaja Geet. Ghar Aaja..." his voice cracking.
(Come back home Geet, come back...)

He was about to pass Vicky's room when he heard, "What do you mean? So what if Maan is my brother? When it comes to love there are no boundaries. I know Sameera left him that night for me, but we were stupid and in love".

He sucks his breath in sharply and stumbles back a little from the shock, holding on to the wall for support.

"I thought I was in love with her but I wasn't and everything changed when Geet came into my life. And you know this morning we almost kissed that's why she isn't here right now. Okay bye I think Maan is here. Will talk to you later!" and before he could cut the call a huge fist jabs the side of his face.

The next thing he knew he couldn't breath as punches knocked the breath out of him in his stomach. "uuuhgh..." he whimpers as he bends down holding the pit of his stomach as the pain shot through his body.

"Nahiii" Geet screamed still trying to break free from the ropes that held her captive.

"Maan they are lies. Don't hurt Vicky! MAAAN" she sobbed and screamed at the TV screen.

"Sameera please. I beg of you! End this! Maan is going to kill him. Please!" but not one word reached Sameera's ears and she continued to sadistically look at the video of Khuranas tearing each other apart.

Maan holds him by the neck, Vicky could see the tears of rage and pain brewing in his eyes and at that point he stopped struggling against his brother's hold. He knew that he had shattered his heart. His own brother did. But only for his happiness,

"I am sorry bhai. I hope you get the heart to forgive me one day" inside his mind which could be seen through his eyes. Maan threw him against the floor and Vicky starts to choke on his own blood.

"How could you do this to me! Huh! How could you damn it! My own brother!!" he bangs his first into the wall. The trembling rage and pain choking him from inside.

"b..bhai" Vicky tries to speak but then suddenly Maan starts to drag Vicky mercilessly from his shirt, throwing him against the table. It was like a thousand burning needles were jabbed in at the same time, shooting up and down his whole body.

"I'm...I'm sorry bhai", he says stumbling and trying to stand up with his bruised and banged up body but he failed and his body limped back to the ground.

During that time Maan opens the drawer and takes out a GUN pointing it towards Vicky while Dev silently recorded everything LIVE for Sameera and Geet to enjoy!

Maan calls out for Dev!
"Dev! Help me out here!"

Dev suddenly shuts the phone off and puts it away. He comes towards them , "Oh my God! What are you doing! Are you CRAZY!" he acts all surprised.

Meanwhile at Sameera's place,

"Vicky toh gaya! As for Geet Handa, she will forever remain as Geet HANDA aur kuch nahi! You won't be able to show your face neither to Maan now nor at Vicky's funeral if he even gets one! But I will be there for Maan. I will be his crying shoulder and weave my way back into his heart sooner or later" she chirps out of excitement, but Geet didn't even have the energy or the will to fight back. Her whole world was crashing down, her small family falling apart in just minutes.

Back at the Khurana Mansion.

Dev says, "Maan put the gun down he is your BROTHER!"

"You're right. He is my brother" and the gunshot blows.......

15 minutes later Sameera gets a phone call.

"WHAT!!!!" And the phone slips from her fingers.

She starts going here and there looking for something.

She finds it and takes out the gun.

"Sameera Roy naam hai mera! If I don't get what I want. No one will!" she says with red fuming eyes.

She goes towards Geet who was oblivious of her surroundings. She was busy remniscing through her memories of Vicky, Maan and her once happy family! The close bond that they shared, a lonely tear making its way down her cheek.

"Awww.... just look at you, so pathetic and weak. Do you want me to end your misery sweetie, because I will!" she says pointing the gun to her forehead.

Geet didn't even flinch.

"Any last words?" She asks Geet out of fake pity.

"Don't tell Maan. Tell him I ran away" another tear trickles down her face.

"Don't you look like the better person and I the bitch? But guess what no one will know" she chuckles.

"And believe me I know how to bring fake tears into my eyes. Awww, I think I may miss you" she feigns sadness.

"Just get on with it Sameera or else I will seriously think you'll miss me" she laughs an empty laugh.

"Aree why delay in good work? I just feel bad for my brother. That kamina just had to fall for you. Don't worry in front of him and the whole world I will make it look like you did suicide!"
"because you couldn't live with the lie of loving Maan when you really loved Vicky" she whispers in her ear and starts to laugh menacingly.

"Good bye and Good riddens!" she clenches her teeth in hatred placing the gun back toward the side of Geet's head to make it look like suicide later on.

Geet just closes her eyes and lastly murmurs, "I love you Maan" when the gun shot blows and the lights black out!


I can't even ask you to vote on the update because i know you all hate me right now....left you readers with cliffhanger...not even a precap....
Look at those chappals flying towards me.....

Bye & have a good day.. :)

-Divya.. :)

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