Chapter 31

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"Expecto Patronum!" I shriek, trying to focus on a happy memory, when McGonagall told me I was a witch, but it's not producing anything more than a mist.
"Try thinking of a stronger memory, something happier." Alex says, trying to help me get it right. I rack my brain for a memory to use and come up with the day I met Alex,
She walked into my compartment on the Hogwarts Express, me being early and got one to myself, she sat down and began to read on the seats across from me.
I looked up from my book and decided to introduce myself but thought better of it when thinking of my parents rule, don't speak unless spoken to, so I went back to my book.
After about an hour she finally spoke.
"I'm Alex Goldstien, in case you were wondering." She said, sounding rather annoyed for some reason, not looking up from her book.
"I'm Alice Tracy." I squeaked timidly.
She put down her book and looked over to me.
"I hope we can be friends," she says, a hopeful smile on her face. "You're the first person to not tell me to leave when I came into you're compartment and decided to read."
"Read as much as you want, I'll do the same." I said with a small laugh.
I focused on the memory.
"Expecto Patronum!" I shriek, trying my hardest.
And it flickered for a moment making me think I had finally done it right, then went out in mist. "Bullocks!" I curse falling down to the floor in a tried heap.
"You'll get it Alice, why don't we try one more time?" She offers and I stand up, I'll admit, reluctantly.
I rack my brain for a better memory.
What could be happier than my first friend?!
And then I had it, but the thought made me happy and sad at the same time.
I pointed my wand towards the middle of the room and screamed this time, using all my focus and strength.
And then it happened, a beautiful red fox came running from the tip of my wand and began to race around me.
"I did it! I did it!" I squealed to Alex.
"That was great." She says giving me an 'I knew you could do it' look. "Expecto Patronum." She said the spell so calmly, and a large dog came running out of the tip of her wand, chasing after my red fox. We sat there watching them play for a moment before casting them away.
"Now we can start on step two!" I say, getting all giddy.
"Step two is the mandrake leaf, right?" She asks.
"Yep!" I answer. "I'll get a couple tomorrow during lunch, since professor Sprout will be in the great hall."
That morning I sent the same letter to McGonagall I had the morning before, telling her I was too sick to go to class.
During first and second block I stayed in bed working on a plan for getting the mandrake leaves and and what to do about the next few steps.
I sit there thinking of the fifth step when I look at the clock and see its lunch time.
I jump out of bed and slip on some uggs, not caring if people think I'm crazy walking out side at the beginning of December in a red and black flannel, black tights, and brown uggs, my wand tucked in the right one, while sick.
I run down to the green house looking for the mandrake's, after quickly clipping two I try to rush out but end up running into Neville instead.
"Oops, sorry Neville!" I squeak as I quickly put the bag with the two mandrake leaves into the pocket of my flannel before he could see them.
"It was my fault, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." He says, standing up and reaching a hand out to help me up, which I take.
"Never mind who's fault it is, I need to get going." I say as calmly as possible. "I'll se you later Neville."
"See you later Alice." He calls after me as I rush back up to the school.
After reading through the rest of the steps and thinking of how I'm going to make it work with the two of us, it's already dinner time.
I sit for a moment, contemplating wether or not I'm hungry and eventually decide I'm not and go back to reading when Alex comes waltzing into the room.
I look up from my book at her then look straight back, waiting for her to speak first, while trying to keep a straight face.
After about a minute of silence, i could tell Alex was getting impatient.
"Did you get them?" She asks exasperatedly.
"Yep yep yep!" I say, putting the book down next to me and nodding my head.
"Here." I hand her the bag after taking a leaf myself.
"And what exactly am I doing with it?" She asks.
I facepalm.
"Geez Alex." I whine.
"I know we have to keep it in our mouths the whole time, but how?" She says, sounding a little irritated, but still amused by my dramatic gesture.
"Just stick it to the roof of your mouth, the outside of the leaf will become sticky, almost like glue, when mixed with saliva, so it will practically paste itself to the roof of your mouth, so you'll be talking funny for the next few weeks." I giggle slightly at the thought. "I'll only have to keep it for two weeks, but you have to for longer, maybe four, yeah, four will work."
"Four weeks?" She says, sounding astonished. "But four weeks from now is the Yule ball!"
"Yeah, so?" I ask, not really seeing the issue.
"How am I suppose to get a date if I can't speak properly!" She practically shrieks at me.
"You won't, you can just go stag with me!" I chirp in an annoyed tone. "Single Pringles gotta stick together!"

Double The Fun {George's Side} [book 1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant