Chapter 9

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I walk over to charms and sit myself down near the front and pull out my charms book.
I begin to read through it since I'm early.
I sit there for a few minutes until Alex comes stomping in and slams her hands onto the desk.
I flinch, and lift my head up to look at her.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I had to sit through the most boring class ever, because you said my true love could be in it!" She growled at me.
"Well, was he?" I ask, holding back a small laugh.
"It was Neville Longbottom!" She screeches as she takes her seat next to me, sounding defeated. "No he is not my true love!"
"Ahahaha, okay fair enough." I say, the laugh finally escaping my lips. "But now you have charms with me."
"Yeah." She says, a smile forming on her tired face. "At least this is what I can look forward to."
"So how was your advanced potions class with Snape." She asks, getting her books out of her bag.
"I finished early and got the potion right." I almost wince as the next few words come out of my mouth. "It was fun."
"Snape's class was fun?" She asks astonished. "Alright, what aren't you telling me?"
"Whatever do you mean?" I ask, playing innocent.
"I know how you act when you try to hide something from me." She states. "Now spill it."
"Alright, take your seats." Professor Flitwick tells the class.
Thank Merlin!
"Sorry." I tease, as I open my textbook. "Class is starting."
"Fine but you're telling me after."
After a, sadly, quick charms class, Alex and I walk down to the great hall for lunch.
"So, tell me what you've been hiding?" She asks, interrogating me before we've even sat down.
"Oh, well George is in my advanced potions class..." I answer sheepishly. "And I may or may not have said I'd tutor him." My voice falls quieter as I reach the end of my sentence and I can tell my face has been tinted a scarlet red.
"Well if he's in an advanced potions class, why does he need tutoring?" She asks as we finally sit down.
"I don't really know. Maybe he was just thrown into that class." I offer. "Or he's lost without Fred."
"Fair enough." She says. "Well I hope tutoring goes well." And then she gives me a wink.
"What was that for?!" I ask, flustered.
"Oh, I think you know what it was for." She sates cheekily.
"Not funny Alex." I mumble at her roughly.
"Teehee!" She laughs, sticking her tongue out at me.
After lunch I go to muggle studies and then advanced transfiguration.
Once I walk into Professor Magonagel's classroom and sit down next to a girl I recognize from my year.
I choose to basically ignore her and pull out my textbook.
"I'm Ferin Grey." She states dryly to me. "Your roommate."
"I'm Alice Tracy." I say in a bored tone and go back to my book.
After a few minutes I carefully look up from my book to get a better look at her from the corner of my eye.
She had shoulder length, slightly wavy, golden brown hair, and large dark brown eyes.
We both basically ignore each other until class starts.
The rest of the class goes by with Ferin not putting much effort into speaking to me, eventually ending in me starting a conversation out of boredom.
By the end of the class Ferin had actually smiled and we were getting along fairly well.
"I can't wait until you meet Alex!"

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