Chapter 27

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Quick A/N, just wanted to say, my character Alice Tracy, is loosely based on if Drarry had a daughter, lol, I also named the kneazle after one of my favourite characters from Percy Jackson, and I'm sorry that with both sides of this book, the chapter numbers don't match....

I wake up and look at the clock, it's 11:58 pm November 30th.
2 more minutes and its my birthday..
I sit up slightly and begin to count down in my head until I get to the final ten seconds.
" Happy Birthday!" I whisper yell to myself. I look at the end of my bed to see the book a 'borrowed' from Alex a while ago and blush as I remember the events of that night.
I kissed George.....
I've sort of been avoiding him since, worried that he didn't like me back.....
I lay back down and try to fall asleep.
I wake up again to someone jumping onto my bed.
I open my eyes hesitantly to see Alex bouncing slightly at the foot of my bed, a huge grin on her face.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She exclaims as I sit up, a smile makes its way to my face and I start to bounce slightly like a 5 year old on Christmas.
"What did you get me?" I ask, trying, but failing, to hide how excited I am.
"I'll give it to you after some breakfast. Or in your case, a glass of juice."
"Alright. But wait, what's that on our neck?" I ask pointing to a spot on her neck.
"Oh it's nothing. Let's go." She says covering it with her hair and quickly ushering me towards the door.
I looked at her curiously until we left the common room.
Walking down to the great hall we meet up with Triss.
"How are you two fabulous ladies doing?" Triss greets us while linking arms in between the two of us.
"Hey Triss did Alice tell you? It's her birthday." She says with a wink.
"Omg happy birthday Alice." Triss hugs me before sitting down.
"Hey thanks for leaving without me." Ferin says walking up.
"Sorry Ferin." I say and take a sip of my apple  juice.
"So I hear it's your birthday Alice. Happy birthday." Ferin says taking a seat.
"This is the first time I've been told 'happy birthday.'" I admit a little sadly.
After breakfast Alex and I go back up to our rooms, me dragging her because she was walking too slow, and I immediately sit down on my bed excitedly as Alex goes and grabs my present from her wardrobe.
She places the present on the bed in front of me and I begin to slowly pull at the pale blue paper, trying not to tear it.
"Hurry up or ill unwrap it for you." Alex jokes, becoming impatient.
I pull at the paper even more slowly just to bug her, and hear her groan in return.
I pull off the last piece of wrapping paper to see the kneazle's crate.
"You're not?" I ask in disbelief.
"I am." She says with a small grin on her face as I look up to her.
A huge grin spreads across my lips and I lean over and pull her into a bear hug.
"Thank you thank you thank you!" I squeal.
"You're welcome." She says hugging me back. "So what are you going to name her?"
I open the crate and she slowly steps out a bit cautiously, then sits down.
I look at her for a moment, taking in her orangey fir and warm brown eyes.
"Tahlia." I state, and she looks up to me and meows slightly. "Look, she likes it."
I gently start to scratch her behind the ears, as she lets out a small purr.

Double The Fun {George's Side} [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now