Chapter 19

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After the feast Dumbuldore says he's going to reveal the champions. He walks over to the goblet, the flame turns pink and shoots out a piece of ripped up, and slightly chard, parchment.
He reads the name.
"Viktor Krum!" He shouts and all the boys at Drumstrang go nuts, banging on the table and cheering for the guy as he walks up to the opening of what looks to be a tent and steps through.
The next piece of parchment is a lacy piece of stationary.
Wonder who's that is.
(note the sarcasm.)
Dumbuldore grabs the piece of parchment.
"Fleur Delacour!" He shouts.
All the girls from Beauxbaton begins to cheer, and Fleur just gives look as if saying 'who else but me' and walks up to the tent opening that Viktor went through.
The last piece of parchment came flying out of the goblet and Dumbuldore catches it.
"Cedric Diggory!" He shouts and we all cheer for him, Triss maybe a bit too loudly, as he walks up to go through the opening as well.
"Now we will-" Dumbuldore starts, but he's cut short by the goblet producing one more piece of parchment.
It flutters down and falls into Dumbuldore's hand.
"Two sickles, that Harry Potter's name is written on it." I whisper to Triss.
"You're on." He whispers back.
"Harry Potter!" Dumbuldore shouts angrily.
Harry doesn't come up.
"Harry Potter!!" He yells again, growing impatient.
All of a sudden Harry falls out of his seat and begins to walk up to the front and goes through the opening like the other champions, as everyone is yelling that he's a cheater and booing.
Dumbuldore concluded the feast and we got up to go to our common rooms.
When we get to the stairs, Triss says goodnight and hands me 2 sickles.

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