Chapter 41

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I walked out of the tattoo parlour nursing my stinging wrist and wince as I touch a soft spot. I pull out the bottle of pain killers I always have on me, and swallow a couple.
"Why did we do that?" I groaned rhetorically as we got in a taxi on our way home.
"Because they are cute." Alex answered as she painfully pulled the seat belt over her shoulder and tried not to sit back.
"I've got an idea for when we go back to Hogwarts that involves our tattoos." I said, trying to push the pain to the back of my mind until the painkillers kick in.
"And also we need to work on the next step," She whispered the next part so the driver wouldn't hear. "Which is tails?"
The rest of the taxi ride home was spent giggling with excitement and talking about whatever, I'm sure the taxi driver wanted to hurt us afterwards, but who cares.
When Alex and I stepped through the front door a woman who looked a lot like Alex was there to greet us, not very happily if I might add.
"Hello mom, what's that in your hand?"
Alex said taking off her shoes, and I slowly and stiffly did the same.
"Letters." She answered plainly.
"From who and for who?"
"From a Fred, George, Triss and Ferin." She said coldly. "Fred's is for you. George's is for Alice. Ferin's and Triss's  are for both of you."
I got worried by the way she had said the boy's names.
"Who is this Fred person? Have you spent more time fraternizing with boys than you have on studying?" She growled.
"No mom, I have been studying. Fred is just in some of my classes and we became friends." Alex said quickly before grabbing the letters.
"And this Triss fellow?" She stared into Alex's eyes, as if searching for a lie.
"He likes other boys." She states flatly.
"Very well then. Now up to your rooms dinner will be in a few hours." Alex and I took our opportunity and left quickly.
"Geez your mom is scary when she's serious." I groaned and flopped onto alex's bed.
"Oh this is nothing. When she sees my bad potions marks you don't want to be within miles of her." She said and pilled off sweater.
"This tattoo is killing me." She growled and threw on a tank top.
"Do you want your parents to see that?" I called as I sprang up.
"But it hurts to have my shirt touching it." Alex groaned.
"He said the pain will be gone in a few days. Just hold out."
"Easy for you to say. Yours is on your arm."
"And it still hurts."
"Wait." She said sitting on my bed. "Does George like tattooed women?"
"It's not like I'll show him right away." I  said looking down at my arm. "But what about Fred, he might not like it either."
I whipped my head around and looked at her.
"What do I care? It's not like we're dating." She said with her nose in the air.
Very pure blood.
"How long are you going to keep up that act? I know you like him." I  looked her dead in the eye, giving her a knowing look.
"But it's cute to see him try to win me over." She said looking at her hands.
"But isn't it cruel to poor Fred?" I said seriously.
"I guess it is, so the next time he does something I can't say no to I'll ask him out." 
"Finally. Oh I'm so happy for you." I squealed and hugged her.
"Aghhh!" She yelped in pain.
"Sorry didn't mean to hit the tattoo."
We had been on Christmas break for almost a week and it would be soon time to go back to Hogwarts.
Alex was still working on being able to grow a tail easily but I was practicing the final step to becoming an animagus, a full transformation.
"Why is this so difficult." I complained and threw my arms in the air in frustration.
"You should have known the last step wouldn't be easy." Alex said walking back to her seat at a desk. "Oww." She screeched in pain. I looked over to see she had jumped up and was staring at her tail in admiration.
"Well now you can sprout a tail easily." I pointed out while holding back a giggle.
"So now what do I have to do?" She said picking up a book.
"Well next is trying to grow fur." I answer, after referencing a book.
"Great." She said sarcastically.
I stood there trying to transform, starting with ears, then my tail, fur, and then it would just stop, and I would have to start all over again, and it wasn't helping that I couldn't concentrate with the nagging worry in the back of my head that was George and the pain in my left wrist.
We took a break for dinner then got right back to it.
"Hey wait do you know what I just realized." I squeaked at Alex after bringing a pile of books to her desk.
"We never read those letters the twins sent us a few days ago." I said looking at her in slight panic.
"Oh shit you're right. I'll go grab those right now." She said and dashed out of the lair.
She returned quickly and placed the letter in front of me.
"They probably think something happened to us or we're mad that them." She said worriedly and tore open her letter from Fred.

I hope you are having a good time with Alex and I can't wait to see you when you get back, I have something I need to give you. Good luck with the last step by the way.
Can't wait till you get back.
Love, George.

I smile as I put the letter in my pocket and looked up to see a glaring Alex.
"You told George about us and what we've been doing?" She growled.
"Oh yeah I did, but how do you know that?" I said staring at her for a moment.
"Fred just told me that George told him."
"I told him not to tell anyone." I thought out loud.
"Anyways Fred says good luck." She said and went back to her step.

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