Chapter 33

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After charms and Muggle studies, in which I passed notes with Draco about Hermione the whole time, I ran down to transfiguration.
I walked through the doors, already happy that it seems to be a lecture today, and over to professor McGonagall.
I held up my note like I had with the rest of my teachers and she read it with a concerned look on her face that made be feel a bit guilty, she had been like a mother to me after she came to inform me I was a witch and took me school shopping in Diagon alley for the first time.
"So you lost your voice?" She asks, her voice full of concern.
I nod slowly.
"Do you think you'll regain it any time soon?"
I quickly write a reply,
I'm planning on resting my voice for the next 9 days, then seeing if it's any better.
She nods after reading my note and looks at me worriedly, with a hint of amusement before going to the front to start the lecture.
After a painful transfiguration lecture I skip dinner and go straight up to my room.
I belly flop onto my four poster bed and shut the curtains.
I lay down on my stomach and Tahlia curls up on my back.
I sigh and pick up my Animagus transformation guide and begin to read through our next few steps, stopping when I notice familiar handwriting.
Didn't I see something on the front page with this hand writing?
I quickly turned to the front and saw the same handwriting along with two others,
Padfoot- December 1975
Prongs- January 1975
Wormtail- March 1975
"Why do I recognize these names...?" I think hard, going back, trying to think of where I'd seen them, and then it hit me.
The Marauders Map!

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