Chapter 32

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I wake up and then remember it's Monday.
Today I start going to class again, which mean I have to see him again.......
Good thing I can't speak....
I sit up and run my tongue across the mandrake leaf that's been stuck to the roof of my mouth since Tuesday.
Just 9 more days to go.....
I quickly get out of bed and get dressed into a an over sized green hoodie, black skinny jeans, my dark brown uggs and a black toque, and applied some makeup, eyeliner and mascara.
I looked over to Alex's bed and noticed she was gone and decided to go down to breakfast, not even caring if I run into the twins, I was officially hungry.
I walked down to the great hall, not even caring that I wasn't wearing my uniform, I had the right, I was sad, moody, tired, and above all else heartbroken.
I went and sat down at the far end and began to eat a stack of pancakes with blueberry syrup when I looked over and saw the twins, both of which looked depressed.
I noticed Fred look up suddenly and I looked in the direction he was looking in and saw Alex, she completely ignored him of course and walked straight over to me.
I pulled out a pad of paper and a quill and wrote,
Where were you?
She pulled out her own and wrote an answer,
Astronomy Tower, trying to avoid a certain duo.
Now hurry up and eat so we can leave.
She then grabs a glass of juice and I swatted her hand before she could drink it.
I quickly wrote something on my pad and showed her,
Pumpkin reacts negatively with Madrake!
Do you want to explode!
So no pumpkin juice!
She looked at me wide eyed for a moment before grabbing a new goblet and poring orange juice into it and taking a sip as I finished my breakfast.
After I left the great hall I parted ways with Alex and went down to the dungeons for potions.
I walked in and straight over to Snape, who looked at my attire quite warily.
I wrote a note for him on my pad,
Can't talk, lost my voice, but I decided I needed to come to class.
He read the note and looked at my outfit once again before waving me off dismissively.
I want over to sit in my usual seat before thinking better of it, but still do so anyway.
It's not as if I can talk to him...
I sit there and open my textbook to the page we're working form today and see its a simple truth serum.
Just as I look up from my text book a certain red head sits down next to me, rather loudly I might add.
"So you're feeling better then?" He asks, sounding concerned.
But I just ignore him and continue reading the instructions.
"Alice?" He calls.
I continue to ignore him.
He waves a hand in front of my face, trying to gain my attention.
I look over at him scowling, and he just gives me a sheepish smile, I huff and turn back to my textbook and continue to read.
I quickly jot down a note for him and pass it too him,
You're testing it.
And then go to gather ingredients. I come back to the table and motion for him to start the fire beneath the cauldron while I start to prepare the ingredients.
"What's with the silent treatment?" He asks, sounding a bit hurt and concerned at the same time.
I ignore him and scoop up the ingredients I need and toss them into the now boiling water in the cauldron, then stir it six times counter clockwise then eight times clockwise.
I watch as the potion becomes a clear blue tinted colour, what it's supposed to be.
I put my hand up, signalling we're done and Snape comes over to inspect it.
"Well done Miss Tracy." He says giving me a tight smile then walking to the next pair.
I look over to George then take a ladle and put a couple of scoops into a cup then hand it to him.
He just stares at me as if saying 'no way am I drinking this'.
I mime him chugging it and he reluctantly does so.
I quickly pull out my pad and quill and jot down my first question,
What's you full name?
"That's an easy one," he scoffs. "George Gideon Weasley."
I right down a small note and pass it to him as I begin to bottle the potion,
It works.
I then got up and walked away with the now bottled up potion, leaving him to finish cleaning up.
After practically running out of potions I dash into charms and almost run into Alex. We both stop and are about to say sorry when we remember we can't talk and burst out laughing.
After calming down we both walk into the the classroom and walk over to professor Flitwick.
I hold out the note I had shown professor Snape and he just looks at me for a moment, probably questioning my outfit, I
give him a sheepish smile.
He then looks over to Alex's note and proceeds to read it.
"Alright you two, you're very lucky for today were working on wordless magic."
He then walks behind his desk and onto his stack of books. Alex and I walk over to our desk and pull out our textbooks and wands.

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