Chapter 44

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I sit in Alex's lair, as goes to get us food, and try to complete a full transformation.
"Argh!" I shriek as I feel my tail and ears disappear. "Why can't I get this!"
I pace the floor and think about the problems.
Maybe I'm just not as good as I think I am........ Nah.
Maybe I'm just not following the instructions fully.
I turn to the desk I had been working at and open the animagus transformation guide, turning to the page with the last step, becoming a full fledge animagus.
To complete a full transformation you need a complete connection with your inner animal, and an emotion to connect with, be it love, or fear.
I reread the step and think for a bit, I had a connection with my inner animal, maybe I'm just not focusing on the emotion I need to use.
I sit and think for a bit, trying to come up with and emotion to tie me with my animagus form.
That's it!
I stand up, close my eyes, and try the transformation again, I feel my ears perk up in the top of my head and then my tail wagging at my excitement, and then I feel the in between stage I had only been able to accomplish a couple of times, and then I felt as though I was reforming, as if I was falling slowly to the floor and finally I was standing comfortably on all fours.
I opened my eyes to see I was much closer to the ground and I looked at my feet to see fox paws.
I did it!!
I start to bark in excitement and then I hear the door to Alex's lair open abruptly and look over to see Alex with a large tray of food walking in, she quickly places the food down on the nearest table and comes rushing over to me.
"You completed the final step?!" She asks incredulously.
I nod my head and bark excitedly, hoping around a bit, my tail wagging a mile a minute.
"That's incredible Alice!" She squeals.
Is slowly transform back and tackle her into a hug.
"I did it! I did it!" I squeal between laughs.
Yes it's short again, sorry, but I needed another filler and I wanted to write about the animagus transformation, so yeah. Hope you guys liked it, I tried to stay as to the book as possible.

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