Chapter 43

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⬆️Decorations, Alice's dress, and Alex's dress.⬆️
"Do we have to go?" I whine as Alex's searches through her giant wardrobe for something for us to wear since the party is formal.
"Yes, it's a New Years party Alice, not the end of the world." She says, grabbing a few dresses for me to try on, and one for herself.
"But I'm a muggle born." I whisper furiously. "They'll all hate me!"
"Not if they don't know your a muggle born." She says with a wink. "And Draco will be there."
"Fine, at least they'll be one pure blood I'm friends with there." I say as I look through the three dresses and decide on a long purple strapless dress with a fitted bodice, flowers embroidered down the side, and a flowing skirt that's parted down the side.
Alex steps into the bathroom to get dressed and ready as I raid her large collection of shoes for a pair of silver heels.
As she walks out in a short dark purple strapless lace dress, and goes over to her closet to grab a pair of black heels, she puts the other two dresses away.
"I'm gonna go do my hair and makeup." I say and walk into the bathroom.
I quickly put my hair up in a similar way to how I did it for the Yule ball, curled with a braid on either side, pined into place to hold the hair back and away from my face.
I put on some deep pink lipstick, applied some mascara, and did my eye liner(black wings).
I step out, dressed and all done up to see Alex looking ready as well, her hair curled at the ends and pulled over to one side, her makeup subtle yet very dark, mascara, thin black eye liner, and a dark purple lipstick.
"Well, you certainly clean up nice." I say teasingly as I link arms with her, after slipping my heels on.
"So do you." She says with a smirk. "Ready?"
I take a deep shaky breath.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
We step out of her room and down the staircase, a large amount of people at the bottom, only a few not looking our way.
I smile nervously at Alex as we reach the bottom and can't help but shake with so many eyes on me.
We take a few steps to get away from the stairs and Alex's mother walks over, a cold glare sent my way, and subtly tells Alex she wants to speak to her in private.
Probably about bringing a mudblood to a pureblood only party.
I start to walk over to where I saw some refreshments, hoping for some water or something to help me calm down but I bump into someone and falter, falling just a bit before someone catches me ever so gently, and helps me stand up right again.
"Thank you." I say and bow my head subtly.
"Well it wouldn't be right to let you fall a second time because of a me, now would it?" A familiar cocky voice asks.
I look up and see Draco with his signature smirk playing at his lips.
"Oh Dray, I'm so glad you're here." I chirp happily as I throw my arms around his neck.
"Great to see you too Tray." He sighs, hugging me back tightly.
"Hey, wouldn't your boyfriend be mad if he saw you practically groping a guy as handsome as me?" He asked cockily as he pulled out of the embrace, smirking at me.
"And wouldn't your girlfriend be furious to know you had you hands all over a woman as beautiful as me?" I asked him, pulling off a smirk of my own.
"Touché" he said with a laugh.
Draco and I stood in a bit of a corner together and talked for a while until Alex came and found me begging for help.
"Please help me!" She shrieked, hiding behind us. "Theodore Knott has been hitting on me and chasing me down all night!"
"Knott?!" Draco asked with a huge laugh.
"Awe, poor Al." I say in an 'aww, muffin!' voice, with a mock pout.
"So your the girl he's been going on about all year!" Draco says through fits it laughter before beginning to imitate a lovesick Knott. "Her beautiful crystal clear eyes, it's as if you're looking into a frozen pond, and her hair, like strands of black silk!"
"It's not funny!" She shrieked at us, gaining the attention of a few others our age, two of which I recognize.
"Hey, isn't that Ferin and Blaise?" I ask curiously.
Alex follows my gaze and sees the two talking all giggly in a flirty way.
"Don't tell me....." Alex starts.
"Maybe that's why she's never in the dorm......."
"Found you." I hear from the other side of Alex and jump, turning my head to see Knott looking at Alex fondly.
I start to laugh silently as I watch her desperately trying to tell him she's not interested.
Poor thing..
I stand there talking to Draco a bit as I wait for Alex to return, and when she does she gives me a sheepish smile.
"You want to leave don't you?" I ask knowingly.
"Yes..." She says, still smiling.
"Fine, but give me a minute." I tell her in a fake annoyed voice.
"Alright." She says, her smile changing to a grin.
"Dray, I'm so glad I got to see you." I say, giving him a hug.
"Same here, Tray." He says hugging me back.
"Tell Mione she better treat you right or I'll be kicking her arse for you." I say with a small laugh.
"Will do." He says with a laugh.
"And the same goes for you, no hurting Mione." I wave my finger at him in a motherly fashion and turn to Alex. "K, let's go."
"Finally." She mutters and links her and with mine, walking towards her lair.

Double The Fun {George's Side} [book 1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant